***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

I know several students who studied in UCB and Ivies and didn’t get UC medical school interviews with good GPA and MCAT scores and as @texaspg said they got into good private medical schools. CA seems to be the hardest state. I should have moved back to TX (I was a resident one time) :slight_smile:


Congrats @str82med

congrats! can you share what was wait time b/w interview and acceptance?

Got rejected from UConn. What’s going on here ? not sure who’re all getting into quite a few BS/MD programs, is this year a bad one ? or what’s going on ? too much competition ?

@mimic17 - Sorry to hear that. Applications are certainly increasing every year (Case said theirs went from 1700 to 2200 in one year). Didn’t get few other interviews?

@Mimic17 sadly we had high hopes for UConn last cycle as well. After the rejection we found out that UConn prefers in-state applicants with the majority of seats going to CT residents. Unfortunately during our pre application process even after meeting one of the admissions officers for SPIM, we did not get that impression. Probably our fault in that we should have been more diligent with our research and went in eyes wide open. As everyone knows BSMD is highly competitive and the trend seems to be more applicants every year for the same number of seats so unfortunately it looks like it’s only going to be even more competitive in future years.

Is the same applies to penn state, Drexel, UAB and BU, REMS etc ? Why are rejections from these too ?

@Mimic17 UAB certainly has in-state/regional preferences. If you look into its student profile, most are from Ala or neighboring states. Cincin and VCU are similar. I believe Jefferson, GWU, Drexel, BU, REMS, RPI and other PRIVATE medical schools do not have in-state preferences.

@Mimic17 , The same strong candidates are getting in everywhere. Good for them, they worked hard.

Unfortunately, a bunch of these programs do not have a wait list and do not have a set number of seats they must fill. They have a soft setting of say ‘20’ students from the bs/md program of the total say ‘200’ they accept. So they interview 80 and offer admission to 40. At the end they may have only 10 of those 40 show up as the remaining 30 strong candidates ultimately go to only one school. They don’t fill the remaining 10 seats as they don’t have to. During that year they will just accept 10 from the bs/md pool. The remaining seats will be added to the traditional pool. There are very few programs that have a hard number of seats to fill and therefore have a waiting list.

@BSMD-7 - Except PITT GAP, most of them fill their slots. AMC/RPI offers to 35 for 15 and BU offers around 40 for 20. I heard one year BU ended up taking 32 since that many accepted. They have some flexibility since they can cut the traditional track slots after 3 or 4 years. I heard PITT offers to 10 or 12 and has no waitlist. REMS offers to 10+5.

Do any one for sure UAB is still not out? Last year they had the interview around 1week of Feb and Monday morning they announced the results including accepted and rejected.

It will be of great help to this forum when every one posts whenever there is anyone gets interview invite or reject and program acceptance and rejection.

Is any one keeping track of all the program notification? If so, please post so that every one know which programs have announced and for which programs still results are not out.

UAB semifinalists were notified in late December by email. Rejects were notified soon after. Interview was Jan 26/27. Finalists were notified on the Jan 29th. Chapter is closed. We should see their finalists on their webpage next school year.

@srk2017, I remember there was this student @HS2DirectMed last year who got interviews to close to 20 different bs/md programs…low,mid,high tier… all levels. When you say AMC/RPI offers to 35 for 15, he/she was one of the 35. For BU offering around 40 for 20, he/she was one of the 40. He/she must have great credentials and deserve to be there in all those places. I am not sure how many @HS2DirectMed kind of students are being accepted everywhere. Even if he/she informs those schools afterwards that he/she is not attending their school, the school isnot going to call the 36th person or the 41st person. There is no waiting list. They just offer the admission to more people and hope to get @HS2DirectMed kind of students to attend their school.

@Bsmd-7 Yes and No. It differs with each program. Agree many programs only qualified students and if they don’t join will release those seats to direct MD. But many programs in deed has wait list and it definitely helps as and when any student decides not to join any BS/MD program to inform. Examples are CWRU, AMC, Tulsa, OU, and few others. They do maintain a wait list and call them. Last year one girl joined CWRU from the waitlist only.

@AlabamaStudent Thanks for the confirmation on UAB. That is what I thought. But since @Mimic17 mentioned about UAB, I wanted to clear the confusion.

My daughter interviewed Rems. She doesn’t have any email from college. Someone who already got an email for result? Thanks.

@onlyhope Not so sure about REMS, but Rochester undergraduate result is out already.

@bsmd-7 - Colleges go by their yield rate and make offers accordingly. Occasionally they have over or under acceptances. AMC told us that last year they had 14 thru RPI, but 16 through Union so worked out. I doubt that they offer 35 and suddenly only 5-10 accept.

@GoldenRock, @srk2017 A few programs that have a hard number to fill from bs/md programs do maintain a wait list but lot of them don’t. e.g. VCU offers to 30. Anywhere from 10 to 20 end up joining. NJMS offers about 40 and anywhere from 15 to 25 join. By offering admission to a number of instate students they maintain the range as instate students are more likely to attend. If you are OOS, your chances get diminished by a number of @HS2DirectMed caliber students applying to those programs.

@bsmd-7 - 10-20 doesn’t mean that they have 20 slots. sometimes they get more and they were OK since they can reduce the slots for traditional path when BSMD candidates matriculate to medical school. I think candidates withdrawing early only helps AMC applicants waiting for interviews since they release in two batches and they call more people for interview after their first release.