***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

I’m in a predicament. I had interviews for BS/MD programs, but was not fortunate enough to be selected. I was however accepted to a BS/DO program that doesn’t require the MCAT. Should I take this route or should I take the MCAT and apply to medical school via the traditional route? I know it’s getting harder and harder to get into medical school, so I’m not sure if I should pass on this opportunity.

@srk2017, What AMC does is fair for candidates waiting for interviews provided accepted candidates withdraw in time.

Accepted to Brooklyn College/SUNY Downstate!!!

@bsmd-7 - I am not questioning AMC and agree them doing it in 2 batches is good for those waiting. My point is withdrawing early works for AMC, but not other schools.

Already asked on the “what are my chances” thread, didn’t get many responses.

Relatively new guy here, just curious as to what you think my chances are at getting into the accelerated med programs in the northeast and Midwest. (i.e. Howard, NJMS, U-Pitt, Drexel, Case Western, RPI, UMKC, Stony Brook, Ohio State, Northwestern, Brown, Penn State, Rutgers and Boston University). I live in New Jersey, and my public school is pretty competitive (45%+ Indian).

–Race: Asian Male

  • Income: 280k

-Year: Junior

-Unweighted GPA (4-point scale): 3.80

-Weighted GPA (5-point scale): 4.25

-# of AP/IB/honors courses: 6 by end of junior year, 10 by end of senior.

-class rank/size: top 5-10% borderline. around 800 students in grade, school doesn’t do ranking

-SAT score –
1550- (780 R, 770M, 556 Essay)
1550- (750 R, 800M, 777 Essay)

Superscored up to 1580 with a 777 Essay

-PSAT score-
1490 (223 Score Index) - (740R, 750 M)
As long as New Jersey doesn’t hit a new high, I think I should be safe for the Semifinalist cutoff (previous year was 222).

-SAT II scores: 780 Math, 780 Chemistry

-AP scores, past and planned exams (only if they’re going on the application): AP Chem:4 AP Calc AB: 5 APUSH:4
Currently taking AP Enviro, Stat, and Euro.
Plan to take AP GovPol, Psychology, Biology, and Calc BC senior year.

-ECs : (From Strongest to Weakest IMO)

  • Current Assistant Captain of School Varsity Ice Hockey Team
  • All 4 years varsity Ice Hockey
  • 100 hours volunteering at local hospital
  • 1rst chair clarinet in school’s Wind Ensemble
  • 100 hours volunteering at local Chinese School
  • 80 hours shadowing a family doctor over the last summer
  • 50 hours volunteering around community through volunteering club
  • Member of said volunteering club and Model UN
  • Member of School Math, Music, Social Studies, and Science Honors Society’s
  • International or Local Awards: None, have never had any interest in science fairs or research competitions sadly

-employment – Level 2 USA Hockey Referee; has ref’d games for 3 years.

-Letter of Rec:

  • Already have one from High School Coach: 8/10, extremely positive, talks mainly about leadership and role on ice
  • One from aforementioned doctor: 6/10, decent, not as well written as previous but helps talk about my clinical experience
  • Possibly looking to get one from music conductor; she's known me for my whole high school journey and likes me (I think at least)

Hooks: IDK ATM, possibly talk about my club hockey team and how we won states back in 2014?

REMS usually comes out at 5 pm, probably coming out tomorrow.

@cphilip10, If you were selected for interviews for BS/MD, definitely you must have very good credentials. My guess would be that you will do very well in traditional route, if you put efforts. I feel it is not as difficult to get into DO program as it is for MD programs through traditional route. If it was my son, I would advise against going through BS/DO route, only because you will lose opportunity to apply to MD program. Again, which college you have gotten BS/DO into might make difference. If it is top tier, then may be worth considering. This is just my opinion.

I had interviews with UR and CWRU BSMD programs. Admission decisions come on separate dates for UR. In 2016 was as follow:
3/7 UR REMS decision
2/26. UR UG decision

@GreenPoison - my DD has great stats and ECs, along with research, shadowing and volunteering, except for 3.8 UW GPA. It looks like she doesn’t even make the cutoff for review in many schools (e.g. Penn State) that go by GPA first. If there is only one thing you could improve before your senior year, my suggestion would be to make it your GPA.

@GreenPoison SAT scores look good, but unweighted GPA seems a lower than desired. Also your volunteer/shadowing hours seem light as well. If possible try to get some research experience and up your volunteer hours quite a bit. Your Hockey experience does show leadership so I would think that is a good thing.

When are NU HPME acceptances coming out ?

@GreenPoison, I feel you need at least one science competition/award before you can be considered a good candidate for BS/MD. You need to show strong passion for science. Medicine involves lots and lots of research and deep understanding of science. You need to prove it to the admission committee that you are interested in that. Show it by evidence. Scores are not enough.

@DadOfPreMed How’d you find out???


When are NU HPME acceptances coming out ?

thanks @path2md @Empire007 @Mom22DDs

When are NU HPME acceptances coming out ?

Green poison
You have a very strong cv
The key will then be interview and how to come across as a straight forward normal person. Who wants to help people by being a doctor!
This is the key point. People love athletes and your score are strong
It is be interview!


I am sorry but disagree w this need for science contest concept… While medicine is scientific, there are several hooks -----alternatives like music, like sports
Green poison is varsity hockey and also works as ref

I was a six year program person now years where my hook was playing piano violin and viola and did fairly well to all Eastern

I think people want to see a focus whether science project, music, theatre, or varsity sports

@GreenPoison Like @path2md said you should really go for some awards in a science competition. I think my application was really helped by the fact that I was part of Science Olympiad for all 4 years and was the President for my Senior year, plus I won a number of first place medals at regional level and a few at the state level. You already look like you are on top of the recommendations, but when you get the ones from teachers just make sure you ask them early and are already prepared with all the things they may ask for in order to help them in writing your recommendation. I personally asked my teachers by email the week before school started and then came in on the first day and handed them all the info they would need. Volunteering is definitely important and more hours are better than less, but I see getting some research experience as more critical to the application.