***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

I heard AMC doesn’t provide information to ranking organizations hence not ranked.

@goldenRock The intent was to have a general discussion and NOT specific to an individual case. True, the choice is very specific to an individual case.

@goldenRock Are you working in a medical field? Any experience with medical research field related to MD/PhD route? Thanks.


First off, congrats to all of those who got accepted into BSMD programs.

I’m a current junior here and I was wondering if any of you could share your stats.

Thanks and congratulations once again!

My gpa unweighted is 3.94
weighted is 4.65.
Sat score is 1320.
Act is 30.
Have done 200+ hours volunteering at hospital in PACU, ICU, and Seniors Emergency Room.
I am CPR and BLS certified. I got my certified nursing assistant license from Maryland board of nursing through my school end of junior year. It is a real license (I am going through the application process for a job as cna at the NIH) Senior year I have an internship at hospital on cardiac intermediate care unit. I go after school two days a week for 4 hours each (8 hours a week). I intern as a certified nursing assistant doing everything a certified nursing assistant does (bed baths, vitals, remove catheters, etc.) I work well with the nurses, phlebotomists, pharmacist, and doctors. I have attended codes, brought patients down to ICU, cleaned up dead bodies, and comforted family.

  1. Brown plme (waiting to hear back, not likely)
  2. Penn state (rejected pre interview)
  3. Drexel (rejected pre interview)
  4. Stony Brook (rejected pre interview)
  5. University of Toledos (Accepted w scholarship for undergrad)
  6. University of Pittsburgh (rejected)
  7. Howard university (full scholarship undergrad, waiting to hear back)
  8. Washington university (rejected pre interview)

Most likely I’ll be going to university of Toledo. The bsmd program is with a major in bioengineering and this program guarantees me an interview w the med School my junior year and no mcat is needed. If the interview goes well I will be admitted to that med school. I also have option of taking mcat and applying out to other med schools which I plan on doing as well.

Hello, I got waitlisted at Case Western yesterday. I applied for the BSMD program, but got denied and then later got waitlisted. I have been reading on here that they usually waitlist a lot of the BSMD students because they are not sure if the students are still interested in the college. However, I would still love to go to CWRU. How would I go about showing interest so that they know that I am still interested in their college?

@sampil they should have sent you an email that gives you instructions on how to either say that you are still interested or would like to be taken off the waitlist.

@screenname2017 Great stats and thanks for sharing.
All the best!

@sampil My memory faded though my D was also wait listed and later got acceptance with $28.5k merit aid.
In case if you have not got the email, check CWRU portal or call them Monday. Pursue and you will get it. GL.

@srk2017 @GoldenRock and others: any thoughts on University of Pittsburgh’s UG program? I am in the process of digging up stats on what percentage from Pitt end up getting admitted to med schools. Don’t know how difficult it is to maintain high GPA. Based on @srk2017 and @GoldenRock feedback, JHU is a tough school for GPAs.

With a full tuition waiver, I find Pitt attractive but would welcome feedback from the board.

Any thoughts on choosing Neuroscience as a major?


@colleg2017 - I don’t have direct knowledge about Pitt UG, but GAP has 3.75 GPA requirement and I heard it was not an issue, so I would assume there is no grade deflation. Pitt is ranked in 60s for UG and their UG acceptance rates is 50%.

What are your other options?

@srk2017 all options are UG at this point (I don’t think Brown PLME will happen)

JHU: no aid; have to pay $50k/year tuition
CWRU: $29.5 k tuition waiver; have to pay $18k/year tuition
Pitt: Presidential Scholarship; full tuition waiver
VCU: Presidential scholarship; $104k over 4 years; covers all boarding and lodging and up to $14k tuition/ year; will have to pay approx $17k/year tuition
ASU Barrett Honors: full tuition waiver
University of Arizona: full tuition waiver

The trick is to select UG program that will best position my DD for medical school. After that only, we will consider cost.

does anyone know what brown plme looks for in its applicants? its a more liberal artsy school but not sure how much of a factor that plays in its decisions


For me, the number one choice by far would be U Pitt. UG. And I wouldn’t worry about the medical school admissions percentage since it is not calculated correctly in most of the cases. Also, your DS’s chance will be a lot higher than the average pre-meds at U Pitt. Unlike at places like JHU, UChicago, WashU or Ivies, your DS will be a star student, who will have ample opportunities to pursue research at U Pittsburgh Medical Center, which is conveniently located only 0.2 miles away from the U Pitt. campus. Many of our patients drop out of the pre-med races or take at least 2 year gap years after attending such universities as UPenn, Brown, JHU, Cornell, Northwestern, Swarthmore, Duke, UChicago, MIT and Harvard. On the other hand, students with similar abilities who chose to attend such schools as NYU or U of Rochester had smoother medical school admissions pathway. One must realize that most universities do not give out more than 10 to 20% A’s in the introductory science courses.
If our son were not successful in gaining an admissions to a BS/MD program, I would have recommended him to choose U of Rochester,UIUC, CWRU or Brandeis over Cornell, Northwestern, Wash U or Vanderbilt.
Please do not rely on each schools brochure on medical school admissions stats since stats are accurate only if they tell the whole story. For example, one university might claim that 90% of their pre-meds. get into a medical school without informing prospective students that 1/3 of pre-meds. drop out ot the race after the first year due to the poor grades. U Pitt. all the way! Good luck.

@colleg2017 Assume all are OOS for you. Though finance is secondary consideration, VCU, ASU. UA can be eliminated since the total cost will be same with Pitt. That leaves JHU, CWRU & Pitt.
JHU due to difficulty in getting top GPA and cost, can be pushed down in the list.
So that leaves between CWRU and Pitt with the difference of $30k for CWRU and $15k for Pitt (total cost).
Both are good choices. Since finance is not an issue, CWRU edges Pitt. If Pitt is closer to home and comfortable, nothing wrong in going with Pitt. Both can provide access to hospitals for EC during UG.

Hi There,

My DS plans to apply for 7 year BS/MD programs in a few months for 2018 entry.

Reading a lot here last a few months. Very helpful. Seems the #1 requirement is high GPA. But after reading all published stats of 2016 results, i found one with weighted GPA of 4.17 or so (UW GPA should be below 3.8) got accepted at BS/MD; another with UW GPA of 3.8 got in some BS/MD programs. This makes me wonder how admission offices look at GPA? For example,

Student A from a good HS may have UW GPA 3.8, which is difficult to achieve. his/her ranking could be top 5% and W GPA could be 4.3.

In contrast, Student B from a so-so HS may have UW GPA 4.0, which is not difficult to achieve. his/her ranking could be top 1% and W GPA 4.0 (same as UW GPA since the HS does not offer any AP courses).

Thus which student has a better chance to get in the BS/MD? In my view, A is certainly better than B academically. Will admission offices share the same evaluation?


Anyone knows about StonyBrook BA/MD status…coming out?

@College2018 - as the parent of a student with 3.8 UW GPA and 4.5+ W GPA from a school with just 20 seniors where other students are not into BSMD, I have to say that we have not experienced the rosy evaluation you are describing. If you’re in the same boat, I’d recommend having your DC focus the rest of this school year on improving to a 3.9 or better GPA even at the cost of stopping all other activities for that. Senior GPA doesn’t count till it’s too late, so a low cumulative UW GPA at end of Junior year could be a deal breaker.

@upstream @GoldenRock thank you very much for your feedback.

@colleg2017 - I concur with @GoldenRock recommendation. My only other recommendation is compare the neuroscience between both schools before deciding.