***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

Bumping previous question…possible to be waitlisted at NU UG and then accepted into HPME??

Congrats to all who made it to BU.

According to research rankings US News- please compare these as a hypothetical choice for BS/MD
Thomas Jefferson (Penn State ) # 53 (No financial aid for UG)
Katz Medical School (Temple Univ) # 55 (Full tuition scholarship for UG)
Drexel SOM - # 83 ( No financial aid for UG )
Rutgers NJMS - # 73 (Full tuition plus for UG, urban location)
OU - # 88 ( NMF, full tuition for UG)
AMC/RPI - Not Ranked, No financial aid for UG
CWRU - #25, No PPPS, Regular UG with 27k scholarship
Boston University - # 30, No financial aid for UG
Northwestern University - #17, No financial aid for UG
Brown University - #31, No Financial aid for UG

Brown PLME or BU SMED or Union LIM is the real question :-?

@AutumnDawn It appears high probability your child will get NJMS since already got 3 programs and some are very hard like BU SMED. NJMS may tilt than BU

  1. It is not worth to spend additional $300k just for the name (when every one keep saying MD education is flat)
  2. If you not from any of those 2 cities, any how it is out of your home base, travel and logistics etc are same. But when you are from NJ, it helps down the road (I know many students want to be far away from parents at this age!). They can still explore life away from home for the UG years (3/4 years). But during MD, it kicks up a notch and it may help for some students if they are in parent home or at least in home base nearby and they will also may realize after 3/4 years and not now.
  3. If some one outside from NJ, may think twice about NJMS (for example, we were very reluctant to apply because of NJMS location. But some friends who are in NJ told, it is still manageable as long as kids use right judgment). But you are from NJ and hence your child should be very familiar with the location and the feel.
  4. For this profession, some times bad location gives more learning (not stating in inhuman way - Wayne state univ will get more hands on experience than U of Michigan for emergency/trauma care)

HPME Decisions are Out… DD got in… Very Happy.

@dualmd2017 Rice is the last. Only by Mid April u will know. RIce BS/MD interview notification itself will start only after Rice UG notification (which is end of March). Then interview and then only BS/MD status. By mid April CC forum users exhausted and you won’t see much interaction (to know about Rice). GL.


I got into NU HPME !!! OMG

@grtd2010 It will be useful if u share your state and finance situation (whether it is a factor in decision making or finance has no influence in your decision). MD IS and OOS fees are so different and so huge. If finance is a factor, some times, choices can be narrowed easily.

This is applicable for any one and that is why it is important to provide the state and finance situation when seeking input.

For your specific case, if finance is a factor, it makes the process very simple.

  1. Out of 10, CWRU out since it is not BS/MD
  2. 6 out of since no UG scholarship (and you need to have $500-650) for the 7-8 years.
  3. The remaining 3 (Temple, NJMS, OU), need to know if you are qualified for IS for any of the 3.
    I assume you are OOS for all 3, then here is how it will go.
    A. If you are living on the east coast, then between Temple or NJMS, NJMS will tilt because of more aid.
    B. If you not in east coast or going to a place which needs air travel, then OU may tilt.
    OU also gives Full tuition plus for UG for NMF. ($7k/yr out of pocket for UG).
    OU is flexible and gives 1 year MD fees ($60k for OOS). I have not seen any other MD program giving that free.
    OU flexible and if they allow your child to finish in 3 years, then you get 2 years MD free (then for 2 years MD fees for OOS is coming same of any MD school IS for 4 years - except Tx MD schools).

If finance is not a factor then it is a different ball game. I leave it to the pros in this forum to deliberate!

Got into BU’s program! Will be attending :slight_smile: Did anyone get a scholarship for BU?

If any one of you have already made your final decision, please provide your stat and feedback in the results thread for 2017 sooner than later. You are in the right spirit to celebrate your choice (NU or BU or what ever if you have made decision). and right time to post. Later it never happens. Last year only 18 folks posted though there were close to 100+ active users during the interaction.

Congrats @Mimic17 & @BS_MD2017 for NU selection. If that is your final choice, go ahead and start the results threads post.

@fhgeogng Congrats and it appears you have made the decision. Forum users say, rarely BU gives schoalrship if you are selected for BS/MD. But I think last year there was a person who got in BS/MD and also got some scholarship. If you check 2016 results, you can find out.

See it helps if you also post your stats in results thread, so next year some one can benefit.

Congratz! Are you going to the open house on the 14th? To answer your question, I got the Presidential Scholarship @fhgeogng

Also if you know where you are going, please withdraw your applications from other medical schools that have not come out yet so that those spots can go to other students.

@GoldenRock Thanks for your input. How much weight should one give to research ranking of Med Schools ? We are in east coast. Some of the choices listed above are hypothetical but some of those are real. We want only merit based aid.

@srk2017 @GoldenRock thanks for your feedback. @srk2017 congrats to your DS on BU!

@GoldenRock thx

Hi everyone! The BU SMED class of 2023 has made a Facebook group for new/prospective SMEDs to join. Just search Boston University SMED class of 2024 on Facebook.

Congrats to those in fir NU, BU,…

@grtd2010 It depends. If the student is interested in Medical Research, then you can give more weight to research ranking. But if the interest is only for practice medicine, then the weight can be less. It can not be the critical significant factor on its own. Many factors and each factor weight can differ from family to family situations. How flexible the programs are, location, financial aid, UG college vibe/flexibility etc.

Also it will help once you know the real choices than including hypothetical colleges since that is not going to serve any purpose, rather it will complicate. If all your real colleges are in the ranking of 60-80, then it does not matter even if your hypothetical college is ranked 1!

Only 88 colleges are given rank among 170 in the list of US News. Some of the colleges are not given rank for whatever reason, though it is known they are equally good if not better than x or y (Tulane, UT Galveston, AMC since these schools and hospitals are there for more than 100+ years. It is not another CA Northstate.