***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

Does anyone know when UIC GPPA comes out (only Illinois-based program); if anyone knows where results come out, please let me know :slight_smile: congrats to everyone on their great success!

@xXLegoMan1999Xx won’t go wrong with either Stanford or program, but I do think Stanford offers a unique experience that would be tough to pass up.

@Dadbsmd at the end of the day, both are low tier medical schools and the residency match lists reflect this (though MCG might be slightly better). Pick whichever your DS likes but note that there is a likelihood that you would be limiting your son’s potential with these programs, especially if his plans involve an academic/research career. I’m sure the money is probably a significant limiting factor but Miami’s match lists are quite good in contrast

@studenttttt My daughter is also very anxiously waiting for UIC GPPA results today. No news from them except it states on their website on or before April 1st! She desperately wants to stay in Chicago closer to the family. Hope God answers her favorably to her desire! Otherwise she will be UMKC bound. Good luck to all!

All.our decisions are in, Stanford wait list. He has only one UG rejection out of 21 schools he applied (6 wait listed). It appear he won’t be pursuing BS/MD. It’s been a long process but glad it is over with decent results. I will update the results thread in couple of weeks and I will continue to give my 2 cents in this thread. GL to all who are still waiting for decisions or those with multiple options and having tough time to choose.

@srk2017 congrats on finishing the process! Absolutely nothing wrong with the traditional route. Just wanted to advise that I believe Vandy with full scholarship would be the easy choice. Penn has the ‘ivy’ allure but the MLS program is extremely rigorous (>50% end up dropping out) not to mention the cost of attendance.

@dblazer - Thanks for the advice. I also heard same about Penn MLS and told that to S.

Could someone call out which tier following Medical schools are?
UCF, FAU, Houston, South Alabama, NJMS, Temple

@Mom22DDs Difficult to separate into distinct groups but all of them mid-low tier. Of those schools, FAU and South Alabama have the least impressive match lists. Houston (heavy regional preferences noted in Houston’s matches), UCF (small sample size), Temple seem similar and NJMS seems to have the best matches.

@Mom22DDs UCF, FAU, S.Alabama, Temple can be eliminated. Houston vs NJMS and if NJMS then decide TCNJ/NJIT.

My DD has a choice between Union/AMC and GWU/GWU. Are there any disadvantages to either? For example, does one program have a weed out class that eliminates students? They both appear to be excellent, but I’m just wondering if there are hidden pit falls to either.

@DadOfPreMed I believe that once accepted at NJMS, once would receive offers from all the undergrad schools, unless an undergrad school denied admission to UG. My daughter applied to NJMS through 2 UG schools and we received calls from both. They called some on Friday late evening. They may be calling rest early next week. GL.

Thank you @dblazer & @GoldenRock ! Very thankful for all the advice in this forum, especially at this critical time when we’re trying to help DD decide.

While still waiting on Houston (sigh), we’d like to gather some info on NJMS.

If she were to choose NJMS and location is not at all a concern for her, which school would be a fit for her between NJIT, Rutgers Newark and TCNJ for:
1. research/volunteering opportunities in UG
2. ease of maintaining GPA
3. ability to apply out after UG (heard TCNJ-NJMS would revoke BSMD admission if applying out)

Others admitted to NJMS, please add add other criteria you are considering for comparison.

@BSMD38 well, Albany is lower tier than GWU and the match lists reflects this. I would imagine the attrition rate is relatively low at either school, assuming the student puts in the work.

Thanks to All of for helping us in this long journey. Congratulations and best of luck to all of the kids
 now we are down to two choices. Please advice. Brown PLME vs Vandy with CV Scholarship.

@rsmith0208 - if finance is a concern, then Vandy hands down. If not, no reason to turn down Brown PLME as you’ll likely be applying to Brown after Vandy.

@rsmith0208, what a great choice you have! If I were in your shoes I would happily choose PLME!! If very certain about Medicine. It is just my opinion.

@Mom22DDs unfortunately not as familiar with the details of each undergrad, but they all have a completely different feel and would make an effort to get in touch with students at each,

@rsmith0208 it’s tough to pass up saving offered by Vandy but PLME is one of the few programs with almost no compromise in terms of undergraduate and medical school reputation for the guaranteed spot.

Could somebody help us compare RPI/AMC vs UMKC. RPI/AMC 7 years, higher GPA need , possible AMC interview for final acceptance. Advantage seems to be a diverse student body and experience compared to UMKC making for possibly a more complete physician. Any thoughts
? Thank You.

@Mom22DDs TCNJ/NJMS wins hands down
 Rutgers has only 7 kids in all three years so that should tell you something. Also, the binding/non binding policy is the same irrespective of the feeder schools.

Related but separate question - how do you apply out in a 7 year program ?

@Bond99 I can’t speak for UMKC, but advantages with RPI is the 2 things to focus on is mainting thr 3.5 GPA and doing the research required. No MCAT required. There is a advising committee at AMC that keeps track of the students in the feeder schools to make sure there are no academic issues for the 3 years at RPI. From my understanding the interview prior to getting into AMC is simply a formality assuming the GPA requirement was met and the research is in line to where it should be at that point. Be advised academics at RPI are not to be taken lightly.