***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

Has anyone received any decision from Howard’s BSMD. I know of 2 people in a separate thread who have heard but I was wondering if anyone else got an email since I have not.

topic: reason to not goto BSMD because want to take MCAT
I agree with Goldenrock for in my lab i have a student who scored 39 , went to wash U and interviewed but cannot get in medical school
It is a combination of great grades, extra curr, research , interview day if the interviewee likes you as well as luck. I repeat… People die to get an acceptance letter to BSMD but onthe other hand
The PERSON HAS TO DO WHAT THEY WANT TO DO… This is most critical.IT is not the end but the journey

UNR - University of Nevada Reno

NWU - NowthWestern University

GWU - No regional bias.

NWU does not give any merit aid but UofR gives merit aid.


Are we talking about NWU UG only or HPME?

NW HPME program is superior than UR REMS program and I think its accelerated (7yrs) vs REMS 8 yrs thus compensate for the merit aid given by UR and yet HPME is still a higher tier BSMD than REMS.

HPME >REMS IMO… Still both are top BSMD schools; Congrats!

Can someone list the programs with regional bias? Or ones that don’t… whichever is a shorter list

Hi guys.
I would really appreciate if I could get some feed back on where now to apply to BS/MD programs.
I am currently in 11th grade.

Average: 93%
SAT: 1280

Volunteer Hours:
I volunteered at my family doctor’s clinic for 50 hours. (During 11th Grade School Year)
In addition I volunteered at a soup kitchen for 47 hours. (During 10th Grade Summer)

Clubs: Chess Club

Research experience:

I had an accident in 8th Grade and broke my arm. I was very serious and I was fully recovered after my 9th grade summer. This is why I didn’t volunteer in 9th grade or that summer.

Do you think I would be able to get into a BS/MD program?

Should I star preparing my application this summer.
I was strongly considering researching something this summer. However, my SAT test score is low. Right now I am having a hard time deciding between focusing my entire summer on standardized (the SAT and the ACT) alone or studying SAT and ACT while doing research.

What would you recommend?

@zawen99 - You are chances are very slim unless you are un URM. I would focus on SAT. Also, have you taken any SAT IIs. Most BS/MDs need 2 (1 math and 1 science)

@zawen99 - You have a uphill battle thus far. I agree that you should prioritize raising your SAT (or ACT, figure out which one suits your style better) than doing research.
You can get in without research but much less likely with very low sat/act scores. Also significantly increase your volunteering hrs for the remainder of your high school to clearly demonstrate consistent and deep commitment to service. Keep school coursework rigor as well.
1.achieve high Sat and GPA to show academic ability.
2. Public Service to show passion and leadership.
3. Research and coursework rigor to show Intellectual curiosity and passion to create knowledge.
4. Pick something that you feel passionate about and try to be the best you can be at it (stand out).

Any news on fame

My perception about race factor in BS/MD programs - they have issues with trying to reduce the domination of Asians in the selected pool but I dont see a lot of evidence that they give weight to URMs. I have not been to any of the interview groups and have been only told anecdotally about the program admins have issues about too many Asians being selected for the interviews. Someone who went through HPME several years ago mentioned that it was cut from 45 to less than 20 mainly because the group represented mostly Asians during their batch and they did not watch such a high representation passed onto medical school.

One program director told me they are looking for diversity

Aka non Asians

@Volunteerism thank you so much for you feed back. You helped me confirm my goal for the summer. I was going to continue my volunteering at my family doctors clinic and work on Standardized tests.

@srk2017 No I have not taken any SAT II but I am planning on studying for SAT II chemistry and math I.

I am not sure if I am a URM. I am a Bangladeshi. Male.

@Zawen99 Try to apply as many programs as possible to increase your chances. Your chances are slim as @srk2017 pointed out unless you increase your SAT score and have high SAT 2 scores. If you are URM, holistic admission may certainly help. There are other candidates with 4.0 GPA and perfect or close to perfect SAT/SAT 2 scores and stellar medical ECs. Asians are NOT URM. If you even get a few interviews, you are lucky. You will have better luck getting into Ivies.

@srk2017 since your son has committed to Vanderbilt already, do you mind posting his stats in the results thread?

Bangladeshi is a south east Asian same as Indian or Pakistani and Asians are NOT URM.

I got into HPME and I personally think REMS is better than HPME. With only 10 kids there is so much focus on keeping kids in the program. Plus i don’t want 7 years/rush my undergrad. And rochester’s med school is ranked
http://journals.lww.com/academicmedicine/Fulltext/2015/05000/What_Makes_a_Top_Research_Medical_School__A_Call.20.aspx Plus the cluster system at rochester is super flexible as far as allowing me to combine interests of spanish, business, and public health. The REMS interview is the most welcoming/interactive experience and that goes to show how much they care about picking the right kids, but it obviously all depends on your own opinion. I’m a good fit at rochester.

Another problem is only Asians are willing to pay full price these schools want :slight_smile:

@pillows56 - I will post S’s status in a month. As I stated several times, stats means pretty much mean nothing for Asian boys for BSMD since lot of them have similar stats. Except ACT being 35, he has perfect stats (4.0/4.7, 3 SAT II 800s), national and state medals in multiple ECs), 2 research gigs, shadowing and fund raising. In the end he had 2 interviews only (RPI and BU) got accepted by both but chose to go to Vandy! We are full pay and willing to pay, but it was his decision to go to Vandy.

@srk2017 post #3497 most accurate post of the year