***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@chick5 - My son hasn’t filled the GAP application yet. I will probably advice him to put June, 2017 since school ends in June for his school related activities. He is planning to continue the research till he goes to college, so he will probably put August, 2017 for that.

Anyone hear anything new from Miami? Called UG admissions office today and they didn’t seem to know much. Heard rumor from current preMed at UM that they may be discontinuing it? If anyone has any idea, I’d be grateful

Miami is up. Look at the new description on the website.

Is this the URL

@What???!! and @srk2017, based on reading the website, it looks more like it has turned into an Early Assurance Program and not a Bachelor/MD program anymore, for it’s Dual-Degree Program in Medicine.

@Roentgen, sadly that is what it looks like to me too…

@What???!!, yeah, I guess that was the “change” they were talking about. Would have been more courteous for them to say long before they’re dissolving the conditional acceptance of the Bachelor/MD aspect rather than get people’s hopes up thinking that critical aspect had stayed the same.

It also seems like they’re changing the focus in terms of the type of applicant this particular program route is accepting as well:

“The University employs a holistic review process to assess applicants’ readiness for the HPM Program. Factors influencing admission to the HPM program include the applicant’s personal/life experience within diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and neighborhoods; time and service to disadvantaged populations; excellence in community service and leadership ability; and specific interest in health disparities.”

Yes, Looks like it’s not a guaranteed program any more. As I said before we were considering it due to number of candidates they take despite DS’s intolerance for humidity.

@srk2017, and of course the conditional acceptance you were given automatically as a high schooler to Miami Miller which is a very strong middle-tier med school and strongest in the state of Florida. It’s “Dual-Degree” but the logistics are different now. Shame that it disappeared. Would have been nice if they had told high school applicants on the phone this critical change, when they called inquiring instead of just saying, oh it still exists. It effectively doesn’t.

Miami always offered 2 distinct program. One is the HPME conditional guarantee program for high school students. Second one is called MSP (Medical Schoalr Program) program which is early assurance program.

Last year itself, with no communication, after they shortlisted students on 12/1, they asked them to submit a video clip of why they want to join the BS/MD program, a new step. This year again instead of making a firm decision one way or other, still their web site says, “the Dual-Degree Program in Medicine (HPME) is under evaluation. Additional details coming soon.-”. The same msg is given for the old MSP.

Instead now they are having a early assurance program called HPM. It appears, mostly they will drop HPME and will stick only with HPM, given the time already it is Mid Oct. But you never know!

@GoldenRock, they updated the website just recently: http://admissions.miami.edu/undergraduate/academics/programs-of-distinction/dual-degree-program/dual-degree-program-in-medicine/index.html.

They changed the name from HPME (Honors Program in Medicine) to Dual-Degree in Medicine (which it still is, except the logistics of getting the 2 degrees are entirely different now effectively making it an Early Assurance with a focus on helping disadvantaged populations and health disparities). HPM (Health Professions Mentoring) Program is the channel that gets u thru the program to try to get that junior year acceptance, essentially.

Even the Medical Scholars Program is under evaluation still: http://admissions.med.miami.edu/md-programs/medical-scholars-program but the focus in terms of type of applicant is different in that one: http://admissions.med.miami.edu/md-programs/medical-scholars-program/prerequisites

So UM basically doesn’t have a BS/MD program anymore?

@ccuser00, it doesn’t look to be a typical Bachelor/MD program from high school anymore based on what I read on the website, vs. more of an Early Assurance program in which you find out during your undergraduate junior year at UM (although you’re part of a Health Professions Mentoring Program cohort which they select out of) on whether you receive guaranteed entry to Miami Miller. It’s also no longer 7 years, but the full 8 years since the undergraduate phase is now a full 4 years. I would call over to the main undergraduate campus and/or the medical school just to confirm for the Dual-Degree Program whether you can apply as a high schooler to get into the HPM program and when the conditional acceptance to med school is given and based on what criteria.

Peony123- Scores are reasonable
Take a look at school near you like Peen state jeff, NJMS, ALbany, Rochester BU

Hi Guys! I was wondering if you could take a minute to chance me for a couple of programs. I’m primarily interested in Baylor/Baylor, Rice/Baylor, UTSA FAME, and University of Houston Program.

Female, Asian
GPA: 3.91 (UW), 5.8 (Weighted with 6.0 being max)// only honors classes taken when given option
Class Rank: 30/565 (school is #3 in TX, very competitive)
ACT: 35
SAT 2: Bio (M)- 790, waiting for math 2 and chem possibly

10th - Computer Science, World History, Physics 1, Biology, Psychology
11th- Calculus AB, English Lang, Spanish Lang, Chemistry, US History, Gov, Econ
12th- English Lit, Physics C, Statistics

Part of Global Studies Academy within school- doing an independent community service project in the medical field by spring

Part of Gifted and Talented Mentorship Program- 1 of 11 chosen across all seniors in district to engage in an independent research project at the Texas Medical Center or Rice University

Vice President of EA Binding Society
Debate Team (4 years)- qualified for state 2 times, finalist at districts, national degree of superior distinction
Student Council- (4 year Class Representative)- volunteered many hours for community projects
International Festival Club- social coordinator, holds festival with 2000+ attendees every spring, donates thousands to Doctors without Borders
NHS, English HS, Math HS, Science HS (all 2 years)

Community Service: total about 150 + hours

Medical Activities-
Research Assistant in a Regenerative Medicine Lab (2 years)- 250 + hours
Shadowing Neurologist and Infectious Disease Specialist- about 30 hours

Recs: Great recs from counselor, lab director, and chem teacher (or i’ve heard). not sure about english teacher.

@sciencenerd2017 - You meet requirements for every BS/MD program. IT comes down to essays and interviews. Both Baylor programs have very limited number of seats though.

Any one applying to Cincinnati DAP? Any information on the program?

HI everyone, I’m currently applying to bs/md programs, and was wondering if anyone had recommendations of where to apply? I realize my test scores and gpa are low so I would really appreciate any insight anyone has to offer!

UW GPA: 3.77(cumulative)
W GPA: 4.16(cumulative)
ACT: 31 (E-35, M-31, R-31, S-28, Essay 10/12)
Junior Year AP Classes:
AP Statistics-4
AP English Language and Composition-5
AP Biology-4

Senior Year AP Classes:
AP Physics 1
AP Chemistry
AP Literature
AP French
AP Calculus BC

Major EC’s:
-Classical singing 10 years
-Classical Dance 9 Years
-Youth Group (out of school) 12 years
-Founder and Co-president of Dance Club
-Founder and President of Pre-Medical Club
-Treasurer of Model United nations
-Secretary of French Honor Society
-Member of Science Olympiad (won medals)
-Member of Science Honor Society
-Member of Math Honor Society
-Member of National Honor Society
-Member of Dance Honor Society

-Went to states and then Nationals for National History Day competition
-2nd Place in school science fair
-3rd place at regional science fair
-2nd place from Patent and Trademark Co for my science project at regionals
-Danced at the Kennedy Center and The Pentagon with my dance group
-Won first place at local and regional level singing competitions

-30 Hours at Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care center
-150 Hours at a local hospital
-Tutoring other kids (since middle school)
-Distributing food to the homeless (one every couple of months…have been doing this for 8 years but not regularly)

-Currently doing some research under a neurologist

Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Indian

Class Rank- top %5
Unweighted GPA - 4.00/4.00
Weighted GPA - 4.0/4.00

Total - 2210/2400 (superscore)
M - 800/800
CR - 690/800
W - 720/800

1490 (CR+M Old Sat)
1520 (CR+M New Sat conversion)


Math 2: going to take soon
Biology: going to take soon

AP classes - 10 total
Calc AB -senior
Physics 1- 3
Physics 2- Senior
US history - 4
English Lang- 4
English Lit - senior
Psychology- senior

National Honor Society Officer
New Jersey Representative for Future Doctors Conference

Awards and Recognition
Honor Roll entire High School careers
Academic Excellence Award

Respiratory/ Cardio Challenge 4th Place Winner 2 years in a row
AP Scholar
Published Artist

Extracurricular Activities
Intern at International Youth Medical Internship
Columbia University Summer Program
National Honor Society
National Art Honor Society
Classical Indian Dance Graduate/ Teacher
Volunteered and Assisted at a Deaf and Blind School in India (continued helping them through fundraisers once returned to the US)
Assisted a Primary Health Center in India (Taught patients importance of good diets, hygiene, etc)
Science League
Spring Track and Field
Participant of ASHG DNA Essay Contest
Indian Classical Dancer - 13 years (started at age 4)
Hospital - >200 hours

3 different fields, 30 hours total

Strong Rec letters from what my counselor and teachers have told me.

Can anyone tell me my chances in getting into different bs/md programs?

Anyone get any interviews yet? I just got the NJIT prehealth accerated one for their honors college so far