***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@love4kids - yes, my S got RPI/AMC supplemental during thanksgiving week.

Thank you@srk2017.My D did not get anything yet.May be should check with them?

Thank you@srk2017. He did email to medical school. Good to know that it is normal. I will convey the message so that he is not stressed.

@love4kids I understand the high levels of anxiety that folks are going thru now, but from our experience last year sometimes its not such a good idea to keep checking with the school on the status of ones application. It really does not make the reviewer push an applicant along if they get contacted by a parent. Sometimes I feel it acts as a deterement, I say that because I feel in my experience I made that mistake with one of the BSMD programs that my child applied to last cycle. Also RPI supplement invites go all the way thru early March so just because you didnt get it yet does not mean you won’t get it later in the cycle.

@AllenTx15 We had the same problem. We called Pitt and they said that the online does not display the awards. So you are ok.

Thx @rsmith0208 . Did anyone apply Baylor2Baylor medical event in January. Do they release invites on Dec 9th or is it rolling. Also anyone attended November event. I would appreciate if they can share their experience and what to expect. I am surprised I don’t see much information on Baylor2Baylor.

@Empire007 Thank you so much for the insight.As you said this whole process is very stressful for the student and parent!

@AllenTx15 Your observation is right, even last year there is not really any post related to Baylor/Baylor.

Last year though we started, we stopped in between because we noticed Baylor expects students to come 2 times.
It is not easy and ridiculous for 2 trips. The first trip date is fixed (jan 22nd or so) and it coincided with my D’s 1st semester final exam and need to skip 2 full days if you are coming far off with time zone difference etc.,

PennState portal changed with the message "We will be notifying Sydney Kimmel Medical College of your candidacy, and they will be in contact with you regarding an interview at Thomas Jefferson University. "

@ love4kids You are 100% right about the stress level for both parties. Right now the process is early, unfortunately it gets worse once the decisions start to come out. Unless the applicant is some sort of prodigy it is almost unheard of that each applicant does not get at least one rejection notice. Often times it is bittersweet because even though you get rejected from the BSMD, you will get accepted to the honors college for a bio or biomedical engineering program with a significant financial award. BSMD applicants are the most highly qualified students applying out of high school and if I remember correctly I read last year that of the candidates applying out of HS only 1-3% get into a BSMD. Some schools have fairly quick processes such as Penn State/Drexel/VCU/BU. Others such as UConn/GW/Baylor take significantly longer and some like Stony Brook don’t make a decision till almost May. Perhaps the best thing to do is apply to as many as you can that you match well with and hope that one or two offer acceptance.

Take time to understand each program process both interview notification process and final selection process. It differs from school to school. There are few programs well oiled and on a fine day they will give complete results (both invited and rejected). Some programs notify only students invited (or selected) and don’t even for courtesy will inform that you are not invited or selected. Some programs will go on for ever. I wish I captured all the details last year before memory faded. So be patient and take time either by reading a program details or go through last year threads to know more.
For example TCNJ/NJMS and xxx/AMC are long drawn process. UAB, UH, OU were good.

No question, the whole process is so complex for no reason. Schools/programs are not willing to adapt to the need and how things have evolved over a decade. It is used to be paper app and postal mail to online and ability to submit multiple schools (common app) but still school program office not adjusting to the need.

Case in point: NW Univ. It is top school with Billions in endowment. We are not talking small school with no funds etc. On one side business world continues to proclaim that students are not really well taught and ready for professional jobs. Then why not NW engage students and really implement a program to transfer the app and the related docs submitted (like Tx, test reports) etc to the different program offices (COM or Architecture or what ever special program offices) when they receive the UG app and the docs. How hard in the current world to develop software and systems to put in place. In the process students learn the actual hands on experience to implement a real life project. The same issue with many schools , like U of Cincinnati, Temple, U of Miami so on.

Also in the old process, because of paper and postal, students used to apply to few (5-8) but now with common app students apply to 20+. If they accept what ever submitted for UG it will make simple. Instead they will rec only from x or y teacher and that complicates the process and expensive also.

Why not create a process to develop integrity among future generations/leaders by asking students to state their scores and take a oath all the info given is true and incorrect info will void the acceptance. Later ask students to submit the official test reports (college board happy to collect all fees) only to the school they join.

Old times have changed. Especially with big competitive public schools, they are challenged with funding and too many students. 1 counselor handles 500+ students and they have not even seen a student and the process expects to get a rec from them. The other impact happens is even for the summer internship (9, 10, 11) all the programs needs recs. At least for internship, why can’t they get rec only from short listed or selected students rather than from every student applying. From the feedback from school and teachers that adds enormous stress to teachers and counselors because in big public school, pretty much Oct-Feb they are bombarded with requests from students for recs. It is hard for kids (if they are shy) to get things done and adds lot of stress.

To all the experts: My son got Union/AMC supplement. However, looking at the aid, it does not look financially viable for us. Do we need to inform AMC that we will not be sending the supplement? My son applied through RPI also. Does this (not sending the supplement) look unfavorable to AMC? He did not receive the RPI/AMC supplement yet.

@GoldenRock . I share your sentiments. I am even ok with reporting test scores officially. My son’s biggest stress is requesting HS transcripts and Recommendations. He has no control over when they will send them and if they can meet the deadline. Like you suggested schools should accept unofficial transcripts / scores and validate them before admission. I feel bad for teachers and counselors who have to give recommendations for so many students and I am sure it is difficult for them when each student has different deadlines.

@bpc2017 Does you son plan on filling out the Supplement for AMC if it is fed thru RPI? Unions total fees are $64,374 without any aid. RPI is is about $66,000 without aid. If the aid is not financially viable for RPI as well then not sending the supplement back is moot. Otherwise the supplements get reviewed at AMC not at the UG so it maybe beneficial to submit the supplement. It is two different supplements because last cycle the candidates for RPI had to show heavy research whereas the supplement for Union was on another focus. At least in my kids case, what was written in that supplement was scrutinized at the interview

@Empire007 @GoldenRock My D attends a private where they frown upon applying to too many schools.So she has not applied widely and had to choose only some programs.However most of the ones that she applied to are way too competitive.I really hope that she gets in her school of choice BSMD or otherwise.I do understand the school limiting the number of application due to work it involves as most of the students are so busy already with the senior workload EC’s etc.

May I ask when did your son apply for Penn. My daughter is waiting for the status update too. Thanks!

@bpc2017 May I ask when did your son apply for Pennstate?

@love4kids Discouraging too many applications is common even in public schools where counselors and teachers were overwhelmed with a massive number of children. I say this although my Ds school teachers were absolutely commendable and sent in each of the requested letters well in time. We truly owe them our children’s future.
But, to play the game safe if your D is bent upon getting into a BS/MD program, she will be better off applying to different tier programs. As all of us know there is no specific scale these programs use to measure the student’s intellect/ research/ volunteer experience. This process can be a stressful crap-shoot. So, diversification helps unless she is sure that she wouldn’t want to go to a less competitive/ mid/ lower tiered school.

Our school has limitation on number of application types (i
e, common app, UCs and individual school applications like MIT, Penn). That’s one of the reasons my DS decided not to apply to Penn State/Jefferson program.

My son applied to Penn State in September.