***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@shiftydraw Congrats! When is the interview ? any other details would be helpful. Thanks

@BS_MD2017 thank you! it is the 26th and 27th, are you applying to the program as well?

My DD did, but so far no wordā€¦

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@BS_MD2017 Donā€™t worry; Albany asked me to submit my supplemental on the 28th. Iā€™m sure interview notifications are definitely still being sent out.

I got an interview offer from Union/Albany a few days ago as well. Does anyone know if they do MMI or traditional?

I got an interview offer from Union/Albany! I believe I submitted my supplemental around the 15th/16thā€¦ I interview in January! so nervous!!

hey @thatcho , iā€™m sorry if i sound totally clueless, but what do you mean by MMI/traditional?

@misophoniax It appears you submitted the Union/AMC supplement on Dec 15/16. When exactly did you receive the email notification? My D has also submitted the Union/AMC supplement on Dec 16 but we have not received any communication back from them yet.

MMI is Multiple Mini Interviews. It is station based. Traditional is just a normal sit down interview.

I do not mean to sound condescending, but it is slightly concerning you donā€™t know the different types of interviews yet. Do plenty of research on it & ways to prepare and youā€™ll be fine.

In my completely unofficial and speculative view, if she hasnā€™t heard back yet, chances are no interview. Hopefully Iā€™m wrong.


@thatcho (1) what was the deadline for your Union/AMC supplement? (2) When actually did you submit? (3) When actually did you receive the email notification?

@midwestFem - did your DD also apply to RPI/AMC? If so, AMC waits for RPI decision (whether to send you supplement or not), and if supplement is sent, then it also waits to review that as well, the reason being that Uion & RPI interviews are done together.

@thatcho I do know about the different types of interviews, I was just unfamiliar with the abbreviations you were using as Iā€™m relatively new here. From what Iā€™ve read on other threads, it is just a traditional interview, but I am not sure whether it is in front of a panel or one-on-one.

@Mom22DDs - My D has applied to Siena/AMC and Union/AMC. She has not heard anything from Siena/AMC, as of now. From Union/AMC, she received AMC supplement with a due date of Dec 16 and she submitted it on Dec 16. So far, she has not received any communication back as a response to her submission of Union/AMC supplement.

@shiftydraw Congrats for UAB interview. The best part I liked about UAB is, no nonsense by 30th or latest 31st you will know if you are selected or not selected. They are the first to close out the suspense. If you are NMS, you get solid merit aid. GL.

@midwestFem AMC is a long process. Just hang in and donā€™t conclude any thing until March end. GL.

@GoldenRock oh wow that is fast yea haha

I interviewed for Union/AMC last year and the format of the interview for us was initially a round table setting where the program director asked us about any recent medical related news we had encountered, so make sure to have a couple topics you can talk about just in case. Then the group was brought to a waiting room where you wait to be called in for your one on one interviews. After that you are given lunch and then a tour of the medical school by students who are in the program. After that, at least for Union applicants, you are asked to go to the Union Campus where the undergrad director for the program will talk with you and some of the current students will come in and talk as well. Another note is that while the med school interview dress is very formal it is perfectly acceptable to change into casual clothes before coming to Union. Make sure to bring a jacket because a good portion of the tour is walking outdoors. Good luck!

@Undecided3494 Thank you for posting this! It would be great if you could shed some light on what type of questions are asked (other than the traditional ā€œwhy medicineā€ and ā€œwhy albany and this programā€ questions).

@anon9268 the questions Iā€™m told actually vary greatly based on the interviewer. My interviewer was quite laid back and we ended up talking about how to actually fix the healthcare system. He did ask the standard why do you want to go in to medicine, but after that we just talked back and forth. I get the sense that my experience was quite unique as a few others in my group said their interviewers were much more serious and structured in their questioning and one girl said the interviewer started off with a medical history question. Obvisouly be prepared for the why medicine, but outside of that it is varies heavily. Try not to memorize answers but memorize certain points you want to hit in your answers, which will help your answer flow much better and sound more genuine.