***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@Threebrook This may be a weird question but is it to my advantage if others at my school are applying to these programs but with lower stats or is it better to have simply no competition at all from your school?

Hey! Iā€™m in the Penn State / Jefferson program. I remember CC being very helpful around application time last year and Iā€™m more than glad to give back! Ask my any questions about the BS/MD application process and Iā€™ll do my best to help you guys out! :slight_smile:

@sonpat Do you have any advice on how many BS/MD programs to apply to?

@chocolatina1001 humm there is no ā€œMagic numberā€ to apply to per say but I did apply to many many programs. i applied to 9 med schools in total but certain programs have multiple undergrads (ie: NJIT / NJMS and Rutgers/ NJMS). I had 6 interviews at med schools and was only accepted to 3 programs. So you should cast a very very wide net, the programs are extremely competitive so apply broadly.

@sonpat Do you mind sharing where else you received interviews?

@chocolatina1001 Northwestern, Boston, NJMS, Albany, Drexel and Jefferson Med :slight_smile:

Can any of the veterans on this thread elaborate on what you know about the bs/md at Tulane? Plusses and minuses? The deadlines seemed unusual too?

@sonpat wow those are top programs. your stats must have been great

@texaspg That is an excellent valid point. More than tier of the BS/MD programs, private vs public university outcomes will differ.

The key point to future students, if you are particular about a private UG and if you feel you are not very solid in all areas for a BS/MD program, think before applying to that program (NW, Wash, Boston, GW). Fortunately some private good schools (Rochester, CWRU), ask you if you are still interested in UG after they notify you rejection for BS/MD. In that way, you are not going to miss UG if you are particular about those school.

@what???!! Have u heard of the phrase, ā€˜Risk vs Rewardā€™? That is what can summarize the answer to your question.

To start, Tulane is a very good school. Gone thru challenges because of Katrina and ranking dropped and they are trying hard to bring up the ranking (which they did in fact). Heard they do give a good merit award also.

They do have a specific BS/MD program which emphasis helping under-served population (New Orleans ) and their medicine school specializes in the tropical diseases. It is structured in a way, you will work in some service corps for an year before you start your MD.
The only catch is, they admit BS/MD students only after students accept UG and start the fall semester. But with in the first 2 weeks itself, they will let u know if you are selected or not. Also they do have the early admission program, if you are not selected, so you can apply again for MD during your sophomore year.

@chocolatina1001 I know what you meant and what you posted is different. But just to make sure future students do not get misled, @sonpat may have great stats, but that did not carry him/her to get 6 interviews and 3 admission. The EC/Connection to medicine and overall key areas brought the best for him/her.

@sonpat Sorry to nag you. If you donā€™t mind, can you post your profile in 2016 results threads? Before @chocolatina1001 ask you that!!!

@texaspg as always thank you for your insight. From the website it also looks like Tulaneā€™s program is 6 years and then one of volunteering?

@what???!! Similar to the extra ordinary& passionate resources like @Roentgen & @texaspg there is another resource who can shed light on any thing about Tulane and New Orleans. So you can PM @fallenchemist GL.

@GoldenRock thank you I have sent a pm to @fallenchemist

@GoldenRock Sorry by great stats i kinda meant well-rounded overall. Sorry if it came out wrong!

How many hours total do you guys have in medically related activities? What do you think is a good number?

@goldenrock I did not know a program existed at Tulane and it is true @fallenchemist flies that Tulane flag. :slight_smile:


This seems to be somewhat unique, requiring BS in 2 years followed by 1 year of mandated public service before MD.

@texaspg, yup, I believed it started in 2010 at Tulane: http://admission.tulane.edu/livecontent/news/69-61-accelerated-medical-school-program.html, itā€™s the Tulane Accelerated Physician Training Program (TAP-TP,
6+1), that includes a year of public service with AmeriCorps/VISTA and the Tulane Center for Public Service.

I heard 40-50 hours of shadowing is enough. As per volunteer hours I donā€™t think there is a minimum number. It all comes down to how you articulate in essays and interviews.

Slight misstatement, @texaspg. You do not have to finish the BS in 2 years. Instead, the first year of med school (4th year of the program) has courses that count towards the completion of the BS degree, which has to be in Cell and Molecular Biology as the major. As it says in the link you provided under point #10:

No biggie, just pointing it out. The ā€œbig dealā€ here is that this is not a program where you get in while still deciding what school to attend. A student decides on Tulane, knowing they may end up following the more traditional path to med school if they do not get into TAP-TP. As was pointed out, Tulane does have early admission into their med school after sophomore year.

They also have a program called Creative Pre-Medical Scholars, wherein the student must major in a subject in the School of Liberal Arts, i.e. a humanities major, and applies to the med school 2nd semester sophomore year. The (other) really unique thing about this program is that is does not require that the student ever take the MCAT, while TAP-TP does. It does require that the 4 semesters of chemistry, 2 of physics and 2 of biology (with labs where applicable) be completed by end of sophomore year. People can read about it here: https://www2.tulane.edu/advising/prehealth/academic/creative-premedical-scholars-program.cfm

Are these med programs at Tulane not eligible for high school graduates? Students has to apply as a Tulane undergraduate student, correct?

@4beardolls Only the TAP-TP you apply as a HS graduate. But as stated before, you will know the status of your BS/MD only after you join the UG program in the fall but with in the first few weeks.
The rest of the programs, you apply only when Tulane UG student.