***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@caballero Which state are you from?

@caballero @path2md Can you please tell the exact time you got. to confirm if they are sending it one by one or all at once.

@rsmith0208 , we are from VA. email was received at 9:40am.

DS got rejection email @ 7:33 Pacific!

@rsmith0208, we got email at 9:36 am.

Did BU and Drexel interview notifications go out and done sending ?

What are your sonā€™s stats like?

Looks like perfect scorers are getting top bs/md programs interviews notifications

@Mimic17 Not Really. My DD has perfect scores and good ECs. She did not make PITT listā€¦ Very Disappointed as PITT was one of her top schools. BTW she had Full Tuition at PITT.

@Mimic17 I agree with @BS_MD2017 , My DS got rejection this morning too. He has perfect SAT(M+R)/ACT/GPA./NMSF. With 2 years of research and decent ECā€™s. PITT was our top choice too. We are kind of disappointed. Not sure what else he could have done. Well fortunately I had told him to take any of these decisions as hit and miss. We applied only few programs. I think like someone said casting a wide net is key. Good Luck to all.

It apppears all these programs have different criteria and also try to diversity in terms of ECs (Research, community service etc.), gender, ethnicity and regional. With only 40 being called it is tough to figure out and some thing had to spark.

Are there anyone who did not get email from Pitt. Which email address are they using to send. I ;looked into PITT portal and looked at email listed for him. there were none listed.

@rsmith0208 the status was updated in portal on App Status tab too. U can check there if you have portal access. Good Luck

What does the status say?

@rsmith0208 App Status Tab says
ā€œWe regret to inform you that you have not been selected for the Guaranteed Admit Program at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicineā€

If you donā€™t have yours updated, thatā€™s a good sign, the application is probably still being considered.

Congratulations @caballero @path2md! When are PITT GAP interviews being held?

March 13-17 week.

I canā€™t find anything on my App Status Tabā€¦is this the one on the UPitt passport?

Its not Pitt Portal . Its in GAP Portal.


@AllenTx15 Are the password/username the same?