***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Not all EAPs are same - some like Mt. Sinai - you can apply from any undergrad college, some are linked to their own undergrad college.

While selecting an undergrad, assume you will NOT get into EAP and see if you son is comfortable with that undergrad program.
The colleges you have listed span all undergrad “tiers” and is a mix of large and small universities. Your son probably has a “dream” college in mind. I suggest you factor that as well.

Once you have decided on the undergrad, make sure your son shines in his first year of undergrad as that will have a factor in the EAP selection process.

Thanks NoviceDad and like to know which EAP Colleges offers good Undergrad Degree if I miss the chance.

@AlphaDog1031 what’s more important is fit. which one will you be happy to go to for 4 years and can see yourself be home at? if possible, visit as many of the colleges you are interested in as possible

@seapdx2002 , My daughter got a email today to apply for the Honors college as well.

I was under the assumption that if we apply to the Rutgers UG program and they will send the supplemental essay for BA MD.These 2 process is complete and still got another email to apply to the Honors program.Looks like the Honors college admission requires the student to visit the campus for the interview. we were unaware of this which wasn’t mentioned anywhere(or at least I am not aware).So does that mean the student have to do 2 interviews?


Yes, I JUST found out that students have to go through 2 interviews. The first one will be in January, I think.

Call and check if they can accommodate phone interviews.
If I remember correctly, during 2016 cycle, they allowed. If students are close by states, they expected for in person, if not phone. Only Baylor-Baylor was the one had 2 in person interviews, one in Waco for and one later for BS/MD.
For folks living in Hi and CA or West, it is not that easy to attend multiple interviews.

some other schools have 2 interviews as well (ex SBU-GW and TCNJ-NJMS), its usually for schools that aren’t directly linked to the med school. they first have to select students to be sent for consideration at the med school

I’ve been following this thread for the last couple of months. Lots of great information. Thank you all for sharing the insight from your experiences.

@Somo2020 @seapdx2002 I had the same Q abt Rutgers Honors in-person interview.

Based on what I gathered, honors program admission requires a mandatory in-person group interview to see how well a student can engage a group and an in person/skype 1-1 interview.

Honors program admission is not required for BAMD admission. BAMD separately seems to require two interviews (in-person/skype interview with the UG team + in-person final interview with the medical school).

Question for experts…thanks for help

I have in this unique situation. I got an employment in Missouri but my son continues to pursue his senior year in other state. we applied to both Missouri and other state but I am wondering if choosing one state over other will help. Mizzou says he/i can petition once he gets admission. My worries are more around UMKC for their BA/MD program since they allocate about 65 seats for in-state versus 10-15 for out-of-state (excluding regional 25). I am checking with UMKC but I do see lot of experts on this forum and seeking guidance.

UMKC residency website says that student derives his/her residency status from parent, if under 21, but when I checked with UMKC, they said, student has to be graduating from Missouri otherwise considered out -of-state. For me, it’s simple. I am already in Missouri and spouse has job offer in Missouri. Only that my son wanted to continue in the same high school, that we stayed put.

So my questions are

Should I get my son to Missouri to get his senior completed from Missouri high school?

How do I make UMKC consider him to be in-state, after they have already categorized him to be out-of-state? Is there a way?

Another question is - does it impact adversely to my son’s prospect (through GPA etc) if we switch state in senior year, half-way?

Need some expert opinion and maneuvering if there is scope here.

Does anyone know what the interviews are like for the BS/MD program at TCNJ?

@NoviceDad @Roentgen
any thoughts on my situation?!

Hi, My S submitted his undergrad application for GAP through upitt portal today. Even though he submitted short answer questions during the final review we don’t see the answers that he had written. So, we were not clear whether the optional 3 questions were submitted or not along with the application. Also, after submitting expecting an automated email from upitt but so far didn’t received it yet.

Did anybody encounter the same situation? if so, could you please share.


  1. What is your current state where your S contemplating to continue his senior year of HS?
  2. Making decision based on 1 school, even if it has 65 seats is little tricky. Also is your S comfortable with UMKC? Is he ready to go thru 6 years of compression? Are you ready to spend lot of money (though even if it becomes in state and 6 years, UMKC you will spend a good chunk of money, are you reaady)
  3. Unfortunately the IS/OOS both from admission and tuition determination is not that easy and simple. It differs so much depending on state rules and also on individual college rules.
  4. During this stage it is not that many to worry (except for UMKC,and few programs which are exclusive like Illinois,South Alabama). But definitely when planning to apply for regular MD, make your decision firm and ahead. It matters a lot during regular MD. Except for UMKC, really it does not matter that much now.

Does case western bs md favor only instate students? I was going through last few years threads and don’t see many acceptances to case western. Wondering if it’s worth applying since I am out of state for CWRU.

Thanks for your inputs @GoldenRock

S is in Louisiana. I can understand UMKC is churn, s is willing to put in efforts since it has advantage of not needing mcat and saves 2 years.

about money, i do not see much opportunity to save on money, except in Texas. May be, I am plain ignorant, about where can i save money.

I understand, if my s takes 8 year md course, may be, he can do his undergrad from any decent college. right now, we are exploring both accelerated and regular bs/md. he did apply for USF.

With ACT score of 32 and being drum major for 3 years, some medical shadowing and some other activities, i am not sure what are the chances. we are trying…


If you are a MISSOURI resident and your son is <21, you can establish residency for him.

This is what UMKC says on their website:

How residency is initially determined

• First time college students graduating from a non-Missouri high school will be classified as a non-Missouri resident until proof of permanent Missouri residency is provided.
• Students who have not lived in their qualifying region for at least 12 months prior to applying to UMKC will be considered non-residents.
• Any student who has a previous record as a non-Missouri resident will be considered a non-resident until that student submits a petition and it is approved.
• The residency of students under the age 21 can be determined by where their parents’ live.

From the above

  1. you need to submit proof of your residency to UKMC
  2. You need to submit a petition to UMKC explaining your son’s out-of-state high school situation and work with them to get it approved.


Apply broadly and apply to Case Western - you never know what their expectations are this year and what kind of profile they are looking for. You may fit what they are looking for.

Best case - you get admitted with scholarships (which Case offers to most admitted students).
Worst case - you lose some application fee and a few hours of effort.


Call up UPitt and ask them.

We have not heard students from even Ohio getting getting in case western PPSAP

Looks like it harder to get there as ORM or may be the program is higher ranked than Others but undergraduate ranking is same as Boston and little higher than Upitt but lower than Northwestern

May be the medical school at case is higher ranked than Boston Upitt and same as northwestern.

Thanks for your inputs @NoviceDad . I have been exchanging emails but it very slow. Let me try to get individual to help me with this.