***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Thanks @NoviceDad
Sorry, I was too quick to reply.
UMKC says that ----
Only currently admitted students can submit petitions, meaning a student must be admitted to the university before petitioning.

My son’s application is pending. Trying to see how I should get it converted from OOS to IS? I have bank statement, pay stub, lease, DL to prove my residency in MO.

I can’t see formal process before S is accepted and starts college to send a petition but will keep looking and will also check with umkc.

If someone on this forum knows how to change from OOS to IS with pending application, please help

Hi all - looking for some advice/help.

For Leadership experiences — I assume the below examples count . Any other examples please ?

  1. Officer roles within school teams (like music, debate etc) or outside schools (like YMCA, book clubs)
  2. lead drives for food collection — will this count as leadership or community service (assuming we have to pick one) ?


@NoviceDad Thank you! I was debating between Rice/Baylor and CWRU. Rice/Baylor seems to be even harder as they take only 6. Any idea how many spots are there for CWRU BS/MD?

@mi2019 thankyou!

Has BU started sending out interview requests

What’s the best time to take Casper test for RPI/AMC? Can it be taken in January or is that too late?

@Docparent No, they will send out decisions around 5 PM CT this Monday. Good luck!

@17rose - boston u interviews are done on a rolling basis? i just submitted my application last week


When was the application deadline for BU SMED? Nov 1, 15? What are the chances they will process all that information and make interview decisions so quickly? I thought it would be at least 1st week of December at the earliest and perhaps even later??

AMC recommends to do CASPer by Nov 19.

If you have enough leadership activities and not enough community service, food collection will go in community service.
Vice versa for the other way around.

@Docparent @17rose @rk2017

BU’s deadline was 15 Nov.
It appears unlikely that on 18 Nov they would be sending out interview invites.

Apply to both - deadline is Nov 30 for both.

CWRU intake is in 15-20 range.


If you NOT UMKC folks in person, do so.

That may give you more options - they may suggest an alternative or an exception.

Thanks @NoviceDad
I am planning to be at UMKC next week

@novicedad thank you!

Thank you!
How important is the Casper test score/ result?


Leadership capacity can be demonstrated in a variety of ways. Positions in employment, church, the community and school organizations including coaching, tutoring, and mentoring will satisfy this requirement. Elected position shows better commitment over selected leadership position. Three leadership experiences for multiple years demonstrate depth and will make student’s application compelling.

Some Examples includes:
Founder and President of a Club (preferably in Health care field)
President or VP of Student Council
Editor in-Chief of School News Paper
Captain Debate, Captain Varsity Track & Field
President National Honors Society or Local Rotary Club
Captain of Academic Club
President, Model UN
VP of Intercultural Unity Club
1st chair region band
Community Liaison
Black belt instructor
Youth service leader, local church/temple/nursing home
Paid/unpaid Tutor - Music, any school subject and/or ACT, SAT or AP exam prep

Current student in UConn SPiM. It is BS/MD, not EAP. The interview is required because we have to submit an AMCAS application, but as long as you treat the interview as you would any other (assuming all other reqs are met), then there shouldn’t be a problem. Our retention rate is incredibly high.