***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***


Thanks for your response. Every program has its own flavor. Have 2 follow up info questions.

  1. Do the program has an interview before getting accepted to BS/MD and the interview committee includes a member from UConn Medical college?
  2. When you apply during using AMCAS app, are students allowed to apply out with out losing the seat a UConn?

@gs2020 , Thank you for the reply.Does that mean we can skip applying to the Honors UG Program? In case if called for the BAMD interview and accepted , will the student be given any priority for the Honor College?

@rk2017 The Baylor2 Medical Track Program’s (BS/MD for Baylor University to Baylor College of Medicine) application was due on Nov. 11 at 9AM CST. The only take a week to review application to their special programs since the events are all on Jan. 24-25 2020. I applied to both their BS/MD and their Invitation to Excellence and it says that I will receive a decision by Nov. 18. When I read what others experienced last year, applicants received their decisions all at about 5PM CT on the date that was listed in their portal. The following link provides the dates and deadlines information for the Baylor2 Med. Track Program: https://www.baylor.edu/admissions/index.php?id=872132.

@NoviceDad The application for the Baylor2 Medical Track Program (aka the BU to BCOM) was due on Nov. 11 at 9AM CST. I applied and the portal says that I will receive a decision by Nov. 18. I know that they have held true to this in past years. It is also not an interview invite. They usually invite 50 to 60 applicants to their event on Jan. 24-25 in 2020, have some activities to get to know applicants in person and then send out invitations to those that have been selected for the 8-year program on April 15. Baylor has a list of these dates and deadlines on their website: https://www.baylor.edu/admissions/index.php?id=872132.

@coolguy456 I do not know about Boston U BS/MD. The Nov. 18th invite was is in reference to Baylor University’s program :). Good luck with your Boston University application!

@coolguys456 @NoviceDad @rk2017 I’m so sorry you guys! I thought that you were talking about Baylor University’s BS/MD program application, haha. Good luck with your Boston University apps!


BU stands for Boston Univ.
You were referring to Baylor and we were responding assuming Boston.

has anyone heard anything from Baylor yet?

@fluttershee Yes, they sent it out around 4:20 MST

@17rose, thanks just got the notification. Didn’t make it through but wishing the best for everyone else!

I agree with @NoviceDad we have to apply broadly as there is no hard criteria of selection and for some programs the seats are less than 10 which makes it competitive And does not mean that they are the best for an applicant.

example : Programs like BU have been good for applicants than Baylor in past Posts


Brown University also has a direct pathway to medicine. By and large, almost unanimously, here and else where, BU is used to refer to Boston University and not the other two.

Yes BU for Boston university that’s what I meant.

If ones goal is medicine then I think no need Spend money and 8 years at Brown ?? brown Medical school is evolving in last many years and still has primary care focus

Is USF considered EAP or BS/MD?

@ramen2020 USF is EAP. Also note, USF expects to apply as EDP in AMCAS. It means you are not applying for any other medical schools until EDP results is known.

If you are happy about doing UG in USF apply.

@mi2019 Yes and No with what you stated.

Agree, if some one sure about medicine, you can go to local state school for UG and get admission in to some state medical school later and can save money.

At the same time attending Brown alone is not costly, it is almost equally expensive to attend Wash / NU / BU / AMC etc

Also it is not every student from Brown end up in Primary care nor every student from other schools end up in specialty. Students will decide when the right time comes, what they want to do. All are equally good medical colleges.


I don’t think that’s the point of PLME, they want to focus on developing doctors who have a strong grounding in both basic science and humanities, not kids who get their MD by 23.

Different people have different priorities

Hello interested BS/MD applicants/anxious parents! I am a current student in UConn’s Special Program in Medicine (SPiM) and I would be happy to answer any questions you have about the program or other ones (I applied to many in the northeast region of the country).
Good luck to everyone applying; I know deadlines are rapidly approaching, but always remember this: applications are an interesting process; you’ll get rejections and you’ll get acceptances, but above all, this entire process will allow you to learn more about yourself and whether medicine truly is the right fit for you. Once again, feel free to PM me or ask any questions you may have!


There is no way one can get MD at 23 from Brown, since it is not accelerated :-). But if one is not really sure that medicine is their only goal in life, going to Brown for PLME keeps other options wide open, like finance, law and management besides medicine. Also the quality of undergrad experience must be great. All this provided one gets in. They take very few ORMs.

Brown is not the only program wanting students to have good exposure to humanities. BU, err, Boston also enforces that one gets a minor in liberal arts/humanities. A number of programs in traditional route also give weightage to candidates with a broad based academic profile, like for example a double major in philosophy.

Anyone getting response from any of the programs ? Like RPI, Pennstate,NJIT?