*** official uc davis 2022 waitlist**

I heard waitlist decision based on how many people SIRed. Can somebody call and see if we can find out how many SIRed or the amount of people waitlisted?

I think people who’ve called have said that the college admission officers can’t reveal that information, so it’s just up to waiting to see what they say when they fully release decisions @UJazzy

@BlizzardX oh ok. I forgot about that. Thank you

Did anyone get a response? I have a feeling too many people accepted and SIRed like in 2014-2015 :((. in 2014-2015 about 2000 accepted waitlist and only 12 got in. You can check other years by searching up UC Davis Common Data Set.

It was already previously mentioned that they were still looking through the waitlist essays and that is why nothing has come out yet, and if there were exactly the right amount or even too many SIRs they would not have been bothering looking through said essays and would’ve rejected everyone by now. I know we shouldn’t be overly optimistic, but we can have some hope, in my opinion. @CollegeIsNice_

@BlizzardX I called a while ago and they said that they would only factor in the essays and senior grades if they don’t have that many spots left. Not trying to be negative or anything, but that’s what the admission office told me.

decision day at my school is on tuesday and still no word from davis :-/

@gizzle what R U tanking about r u English learner? Decision day was on Tuesday? or it will be?

@hkiiim I’m pretty sure @gizzle means that their school is having an event called decision day next tuesday that revolves around what schools they got into, and they’re probably frustrated because they can’t truly participate.

@BlizzardX @gizzle I think it is hard to get in the waitlist (more than previous year). And we should be more focus on our accepted school… because sometimes waitlist is almost impossible. It is not even our option… just luck…

I want to know if I got admitted or declined… Just give me something… :frowning:

Called today and they were busy. I asked if any decisions had gone out or would still be going out. They would not give out specific information but seemed to hint to should pursue other options when I really pressed. IMO only - I don’t think there are many spots or a big wave of waitlist admissions happening this year. Again, this is only my opinion. Hopefully I am completely wrong. But finally decided to take Davis out of the equation so my son can concentrate on the school my son committed to. Best of luck to all.

So basically no one is gonna get in off the waitlist. Here I am thinking I might have a slim chance…

Does anyone know if Davis sends out rejections for the waitlist or just acceptances? Does the MyAdmissions page not change if someone is rejected?

@davisclass2022 they do send out rejections. So if you’re not picked off of the waitlist they’ll let you know by email/on your portal

@2022Fall I’m sure you’re not the only person who is thinking that. The admissions were super competitive this year and everything is kinda pointing in the direction that says there aren’t many spots left.

UCI is done with their waitlist offer.
I do not think too many got in unfortunately.

I can’t believe how tight-lipped Davis is about this, and I really don’t understand why. You’d think there’d be leaks…the White House leaks worse than UCD admissions!

anybody got any rejection|| acception by any chance?

I feel like if they are going to come out with their decisions they will come out next week or possibly even this coming Monday???