****official uic honors & gppa class of 2022****

@PPofEngrDr The whole admission process for both combined and UG program is bizarre (at least that is what we experienced). The ones that we considered safeties turned to be not and the ones we thought would be tough the outcome was different. We went to 4 combined program interviews and the profile of the students (from talking to parents and conversation among kids) varied in terms of scores (there were candidates in upper 1400s SAT and 31s and 32s in ACT), but when asked for stats, the admissions rep gave us the prior year average was 1530 and 34. Same with GPA and ECs. When i asked about interview selection criteria, the answer was the same in all 4 places “We looked at the candidates holistically and selected them”. HPME for example, my kid didn’t get an interview, but two of my kid’s classmates who had less stats (one had a score 80 points less than my kid) got interviews. In my opinion admissions for combined and UG is like winning lottery.

Your Son has wonderful UG options. I am sure that he will get into top 20 med schools and when he does that you will be looking at the missed opportunity and think “It was all for a good reason”

@“irish doctor” Unfortunately GPPA is one of reserved programs where it is difficult to find data including their website and on honors interview day. Even who got accepted into are reluctant to share their stats (well its a choice). They share only high level of information (~525+ applicants, ~120 interviews, ~40+ acceptances for GPPA medicine) and that won’t get you anywhere.
To be on safe side, lots of kids apply to wide range of schools (BS/MD and UG), you may have preference for certain schools and it may not work out at end. e.g. in our case GPPA and UMKC were his first choices and none worked. He got rejection from WashU (15% acceptance rate this year) but got accepted in NU (8.4% acceptance rate). Also from his school with either similar or lower stats got GPPA interview and one got acceptance too but my son didn’t even get an interview (so you need to figure out what exactly holistic is in their process). Also kid who got accepted in GPPA got outright rejection from NU. Lots of mid-west kids apply to NU HPME (my son couldn’t apply because of one of subject test requirement that he can’t fulfill b4 senior year end, but he applied to UG and got acceptance), GPPA (ofc IL only), SLU Med Scholar, UMKC direct-med, CWRU PPSP. He also has quite a few high rank UG wait lists, JHU, Case Western, UPenn.

You may want to explore the thread where applicants and parents are talking about east coast BS/MD programs (my son didn’t apply) a lot and it has wealth of information.

Also look at last 2 years BS/MD programs Results thread on CC to get some sense of stats for schools you are interested in.

If you are not certain about MD, then suggest to throw a wide net, 12+ schools at least.
BS/MD programs are cost firehouse, so you may want to explore that upfront b4 applying otherwise it would be a waste of time and resource at your end to apply.

@SeamusBSMD well your response and my last response echo similar sentiments (I read your last response after I posted mine), and I believe things happen for a good reason and right now he is inclined to NU UG and take double major route. Hopefully he has good experience with upcoming Purple and Wildcat days at NU to have final approval stamp.

@PPofEngrDr If he goes to NU, he has a second shot at HPME during his junior year (I am sure that you know this). We are giving up our spot in JHU and Case.

@SeamusBSMD you mean to say NUPSP. HPME is only for graduating high school seniors.

@PPofEngrDr . Yes, NUPSP is what i meant, sorry

@SeamusBSMD well, that is certainly a target and we are exploring that more in upcoming visits as well.

Did anyone get their assigned campus yet?

@cd321321321 My Kid did not get as of date. Did you or anyone received it?

no, i haven’t received mine yet either

@cd321321321 . I will post it when my kid gets one, please do the same. Thx!

Has anyone heard back about site assignments for UIC GPPA Medicine? I just wanted to make sure I haven’t missed anything.

No i haven’t gotten my medicine site assignment either

I just checked my spam folder in my email and I saw an email from GPPA that said that site assignments now will come out at the time we apply for medical school?

Did anyone else receive this email?

@Discover8 …My kid received that email. This is a change that they have done this year, wondering why!

yeah, i just checked my spam too, and i got the same thing

Just wondering if you guys have any opinion my chances.
Do I have a good chance for UIC’s GPPA program for medicine?

*Asian male (will finish senior year in 2019)
*ACT- 35 (English - 36, Math - 35, Science - 34, Reading -33, Written Essay - 10)
*GPA Unweighted- 3.96
*GPA Weighted- 4.67
*AP Classes: 5 (so far), will finish with 9 total
*Honors Classes: 11
*Business Professionals of America - State Finalist
*Speech Team - 1 year
*Theater - 2 years

  • Rocketry - 3 years
  • Youth and Government - 1 year
  • Religious Outreach Club at School - 3 years (board member for 2 years)
  • Special needs volunteering (1 year)
  • Core Team member for Youth program at local religious center

Any recent candidates, please share your experience and understanding of the qualification criteria. Also, I have heard that if selected one can be assigned to any center outside of Chicago as well. Do you know if they assign you to a campus (like Chicago, Peoria or Rockford) after your first 4 years of undergrad or does it happen at the time of admission to the GPPA program?

Has anyone here been admitted to GPPA Dentistry-if so can you please share your stats

Can you all also share how scholarships at UIC are given