@sciencer sorry i have so many questions. What did the email say then? And do you remember by any chance when you had your interview?

UIC is not good to notify status of GPPA applications. The paper rejection letter was just sent out last week even though the status was updated on MyUIC…edu two three weeks ago.

Are the campus assignments still divided into M1 and M2-M4 because my assignment only listed Rockford and I’m wondering if I will be at Urbana for M1?

Ahh, this is kind of irrelevant, but could someone see if I have pretty good chances of getting into the UIC honors college?

4.0 unweighted GPA (nothing below a 93 in any class, so that’s 4.0 unweighted, right? My school only does weighted GPAs…)
5.3 weighted GPA.
1290 Crit Reading + Math SAT
4 AP Calc AB
3 AP Chem
Taking AP Bio, Calc BC, and Physics 1 this year.
Drum Major of Marching Band
Color Guard Captain (junior year)
President of Literary Club (2 years)
Founder + President of Anime Club (4 years as prez)
President of Science League (3 years)
Safety Captain and Electrical Engineer of Robotics Team (2 years)
NHS Member (2 years)
Key Club Member (4 years)
Prism Club (Gay-Straight Alliance club) Member (3 years)
Spirit Night Crew Captain
3 time 1st place winner at state-level science fair.
1 time 2nd place, 1 time 3rd place at local science fair.
Received an Intro to Music Scholarship at the New Jersey School of Music for piano.
Two piano recitals.
Tennis Team freshman year (I will probably omit this everywhere because I quit, but should I add it?)
120 hours of volunteering at local library
40 hours of volunteering at Senior shelter
30 hours of volunteering for various school activities.

I’m moving from NJ to IL next summer right before college starts, and unfortunately, that disqualifies me for the GPPA (even though I’m a competitive pre-dent student with 80 hours of shadowing a GP, ortho, and periodontist). My SAT score is really low, I know, but I’m planning on taking the ACT and got a 31 on the practice exam, which is a little better. I’m taking it in October.

Any tips? I really need to get into the honors college, or I’ll just end up going to Loyola or something because my family has connections there, but I’d prefer UIC.

What was the impromptu essay and interview like?

Anyone else get their GPPA Medicine interview? Just received mine this afternoon.

@Joobycooby Yes received GPPA interview. Did they offer one of the two days in January? Do you know if its a rolling decision or after all interviews?

@Joobycooby @stdmedsch have you both had your UIC honors interview already?

@stdmedsch Yes they offered me two dates. I’m not sure if it’s rolling or not but they state that you should get your decision by April 1st. We may find out more at the interview information session.

@gphati Yes, I had mine in December. Haven’t heard back from them about the honors college decision. Last I checked it was still under review as they took a break from reviewing applications during the holidays.

@Joobycooby thanks would need a date change on GPPA interview dates. Also honors college decision for early Dec interview was out before holidays. Should be out soon for you. Did you check the portal for any update?

@gphati honors college decision and interview completed in December before the holidays. They do honors college rolling so you should get notification soon.

@stdmedsch They told us at the interview session that it would take roughly 2-3 weeks to get our decisions and that it was likely we would get our decisions after the break. I’ve been checking on the portal but there still doesn’t seem to be an update. Hopefully I’ll find out by the end of the week.

@stdmedsch Have you received a confirmation email for the interview yet? I responded the day the original email was sent and still haven’t gotten a reply from them.

@Joobycooby Not scheduled yet. D has gone back and forth but no confirmations yet.

Will every GPPA applicant receive an interview invitation? Will the interview only take place on campus?

@stdmedsch Just got my confirmation email.

@Truepassion not every applicant will receive an interview. I believe they told us only about 100 receive interview invitations. Interviews should take place on the UIC medical campus.

@Joobycooby good luck with your interview. Did you by chance apply to SLU? Presidential scholarship?

@stdmedsch Thank you! No, I did not end up applying to SLU. The only other BS/MD program I applied to is the Penn State/ Jefferson program.