<p>It’s also way too early in the application process. I’d expect the thread to pick up around January, when it’s closer to the application due date.</p>
<p>Very true.</p>
<p>Hey everyone,</p>
<p>I have been following college confidential and the USC transfer threads for awhile. Im finally applying this year. I am a sophomore at a community college in Southern California and anxious to transfer. </p>
<p>Put me as Annenberg (Broadcast Journalism).</p>
<p>Good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>good luck to everyone applying this fall!</p>
<p>I am a science(chem) major hoping to go to pharm school or whatnot. Is it true that USC looks at people’s extracurriculars as well even at a CC?</p>
<p>USC does not look at ECs unless they are something truly amazing (Fullbright, Federal Clerkships, etc). I spoke to an admissions officer and they told me the transfer admission process is “black and white” and really only depends on your GPA and what classes you’ve taken.</p>
<p>Hello everone, I am a freshman at Penn State-UP and I am applying to Viterbi for electrical engineering as a sophomore transfer…good luck to everyone and I hope all of us get in :)</p>
<p>I’m sure I’m missing something, but is USC really that competitive for transfers? Looks like they take 1/2? Common Data Set (2010):</p>
<p>D2. Provide the number of students who applied, were admitted, and enrolled as degree-seeking transfer students in Fall 2010.
Applicants Admitted Applicants Enrolled Applicants
Men 1,837 1,071 808
Women 2,203 1,321 864
Total 4,040 2,392 1,672</p>
<p>Application for Admission</p>
<p>[USC</a> Institutional Assessment and Compliance](<a href=“Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics - Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics | University of South Carolina”>Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics - Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics | University of South Carolina)</p>
<p>@Yakov really? I have never heard this philosophy before</p>
<p>@ anontransfer: I wish it were that competitive, lol. That’s actually for South Carolina, not USC in Socal.</p>
<p>I don’t believe they post their results on their site, but collegeboard has a profile on that site. Acceptance rate is around 26% for us.</p>
<p>[College</a> Search - University of Southern California - USC - Admission](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)</p>
<p>Towards the bottom is typical transfer stats.</p>
<p>hey guys, i have a dilemma here… considering applying to usc for sophomore transfer. i love l.a., but i’m nyc born and raised and i’m not sure if i want to live in SoCal after college. i’m planning on trying for Marshall…if i do get in, what are the chances of finding a job in nyc with a Marshall degree? also, is it hard to find housing as a transfer?
USC was my dream school for a long time, but now that i’m actually in college, i realize that being far from home can be inconvenient at times. I’m also not sure if the cost of going to USC is worth it…someone enlighten me?</p>
<p>USC does not look at EC’s when looking at applicants. They solely look at GPA for transfers. </p>
<p>It is very hard to get a job in NYC from Marshall as their recruiting is mostly in California. USC does have alumni in NYC and can try to land you a job, but it is very unlikely. If you want to work in NYC, go for a southern/eastern school. Look into Fordham as well, they are right in NYC and will be able to give you a better recruitment network in NYC than USC.</p>
<p>Marshall School of Business:
Transfer2Best -Business Administration
hawong - Business Administration
MitchAPalooza - Business Administration
ragingzero- Business Administration
Lebonsai- Business Admin</p>
<p>School of Cinematic Arts:
DougLovesMovies - Film/TV Production</p>
<p>Thornton School Of Music:
Uptownmalik101- Music Industry</p>
Nicjam- Broadcast journalism</p>
SCGAL12- English
Giusepppe - Environmental Studies
Jumbo11- chemistry</p>
Gratification - Aerospace engineering
Apurvt- Electrical engineering</p>
<p>School of Policy Planning and Development (SPPD):
vickinicole- Policy, Planning and Development B.S.
jrnavid- Policy,Planning, and Development</p>
<p>@Jrnavid, yep :/.</p>
<p>Not true, USC does look at EC’s, I’ve talked to my counselor about it. They said they evaluate the whole application.</p>
<p>On Last year’s thread a mom had both sons apply to USC.</p>
<p>One had a 3.2 with EC’s - got in</p>
<p>One had a 3.5 no EC’s - rejected</p>
<p>That’s my opinion.</p>
<p>Maybe it’s just because I’m applying to the School of Cinematic Arts, but I know for a fact that ECs are an important factor in admission (In addition to Portfolio and GPA)</p>
<p>Marshall School of Business:
Transfer2Best -Business Administration
hawong - Business Administration
MitchAPalooza - Business Administration
ragingzero- Business Administration
Lebonsai- Business Admin</p>
<p>School of Cinematic Arts:
DougLovesMovies - Film/TV Production</p>
<p>Thornton School Of Music:
Uptownmalik101- Music Industry</p>
Nicjam- Broadcast journalism</p>
SCGAL12- English
Giusepppe - Environmental Studies
Jumbo11- chemistry
gousc92- Undeclared</p>
Gratification - Aerospace engineering
Apurvt- Electrical engineering</p>
<p>** School of Policy Planning and Development (SPPD): **
vickinicole- Policy, Planning and Development B.S.
jrnavid- Policy,Planning, and Development</p>
<p>hey you guys I’m also applying to USC for 2012 as a Junior. But I have a quick question that you guys might be able to help me with. I’m a computer science major at my previous university and and I wanted to apply to USC as a computer science major and an animation major. so for my application I would have to pick one as my first choice and another as my 2nd choice right?</p>
<p>My admissions counselor specifically said it’s “black and white” when it comes to admissions. ECs aren’t tallied in (unless maybe for the film school).</p>
<p>I would think that EC’s would help you especially if you’re an officer in it. They can only help you not really hurt you.</p>
<p>yeah, that is true. EC’s can really only help you but not hurt you. I am in a significant amount of clubs, key club, student association, volunteer, AWANA, my first year at CC. I am now going into my second year but my GPA isn’t all the great… 3.4+ aiming for a chem major with family legacies at usc as well. I really hope to get in!!!</p>