<p>It's incredibly early but I know there are a few of us who will be reapplying to USC this fall. I'm sure we'll pick up new transfers as well.</p>
<p>This thread can be used like <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/1200985-official-usc-2012-transfer-thread-482.html?highlight=usc+2012+transfer+thread%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/1200985-official-usc-2012-transfer-thread-482.html?highlight=usc+2012+transfer+thread</a> for similar purposes. I found that thread to be very helpful and I ended up meeting some great people. So here's to hoping this thread will do the same for others.</p>
<p>Good luck to all. Fight On.</p>
<p>have hope guys! i got into usc, 1.3 hs gpa (prep school), 2200 sat!!</p>
<p>ecs: varsity athlete representing usa, volunteering at local soup kitchen</p>
<p>^ Being a “varsity athlete representing USA” may be a great contributing factor to your acceptance.</p>
<p>yep i know! anyone can get a 4.0 but USC looks for talent !</p>
<p>Ha. One of my ec’s was training for USA Swimming Olympic Team Trials this month. I have decent grades considering, but it wasn’t enough. USC is a hot bed for top-notch athletes. Most especially in the past few years for swimming. Congrats though, @choatecolate :)</p>
<p>Best of luck you guys :). I’m really excited to apply already.</p>
<p>do any of you mind explaining the backdoor method everyone uses?</p>
<p>@Samantha8079 Backdoor methods don’t mean anything. They neither hint at acceptance nor rejection. Neither does Oasis. The information is completely incongruous. If you still want to check into that, I posted the thread link to the 2012 thread above. Go to page 412 of that thread and you’ll be able to find all the backdoor links.</p>
<p>Well this would be my first post but I have been following the 2012 thread and I will be applying to USC after fall semester. The crazy thing is my first semester I went to a cc and got a 1.6 gpa. I know it’s horrible but that was in 2009 I gave up on college at that point and decided to see what the world offers. Travelled the world, literally, and after going from place to place I discovered I loved business worked my way through Australiasia and ended up in New Zealand. Great place for those of you considering going. Not to get off topic but I came back I’m going to a cc in LA this spring semester and I got a 3.2 gpa this semester which I thought was decent but only brought my actual gpa to a 2.5 which is disappointing. Im a 3rd generation trojan, if I were to be accepted, and I got recommendations up the wazoo from people around the world at consulting firms from NZ Australia and Canada such as Ernst&young , also my Econ prof that I got a F in during my 2009 and I came back and got a B is very happy with my work and will write a letter for me(he also has a phd). My aunt teaches there at the school of dentistry and I’m going to get another recommendation from a MBA grad of Marshall who is a close friend of mine. </p>
<p>Now that you have a background on a few of my accomplishments, here comes the ridiculous question. Does anyone out there know if I could get into Marshall with a 3.0 gpa, and if not could I get into CLAS Econ and transfer to Marshall? Will my horrible past grades come back and haunt me?</p>
<p>Please could I get some help and sry to the grammar nazis for my writing I did this off my phone.</p>
<p>@DemiDyl I love, love, LOVE New Zealand. I spent the summer of 2009 there. Mostly Hamilton and Whatawhiwhi/Cable Bay in Northland. I decided I will move there. Someday.</p>
<p>After watching decisions come out on the 2012 Thread, in my honest opinion, GPA isn’t entirely the most important factor to admissions. There were people who got in with less than a 3.0. There was someone who got in with a 3.3 to Neuro, where I was rejected with those same stats. USC likes to see an upward trend (in grades). They also like to see applicants who show degree progress. I believe they look at the individual as a whole rather than as a set of numbers and scores. So you really have as much of a shot at getting into Marshall with a 3.0 as someone else applying with a 4.0. You can also apply to Dornsife (CLAS) and transfer into Marshall later. People switch majors all the time. It shouldn’t be too difficult.</p>
<p>let me just say, if you are a robot with 4.0 you wont get in</p>
<p>Hello everyone,</p>
<p>So I am an out of state student trying to apply to USC. I don’t know how much that matters (hopefully not much) but I’m hoping for the best. Sielburt said that USC loves to see degree progress and an upward trend in grades. I had an upward trend in both high shcool in college. My first year in a prep school I ended with a 3.3 GPA and in my senior year I was getting 4.0s. My first semester in college, I slacked off in physics so I got a B in that course, but I picked up my grades in my other classes and finished with a 3.67. My second semester I worked harder and I got a 3.83. I don’t know how important SAT/ACT scores are but I got a 2100. For ECs, I am in AIChE(American Institute of Chemical Engineers), I started my own fund in which I was able to increase the original amount by 137%, I am the class treasurer for both my freshman and sophomore years, and have worked in the psychology department at Columbia University as well as worked at many different hedge funds on Wall Street. This is my first time applying as a transfer, and I really love USC. I love its tradition and culture, spirit, location, and I feel like it’s just the perfect package. But I don’t know how to help myself as an applicant. What can I do and what are my chances? Sorry for the overly long message!</p>
<p>@seilburt Yes Hamilton is nice I lived in the cbd district and worked for the casino on the downtown strip great place but for the majority I lived in Auckland across the bridge in davenport. Yea I am skeptical about my gpa but I have heard of many people getting in with a low gpa it’s just when I see an average of 3.7 it just gets me worried. I personally think they go by connections and ec’s. It really seems to be if you have a decent gpa, an above average personal statement, and solid work/ ec’s you’ll be a more competitive scholar. Thanks for more incite to the situation.</p>
<p>It seems like this thread kind of died down a bit, and i’m not sure it’s going to comeback next year (maybe someone will just make a new one because they didn’t see this one…), but anyways, I just wanted to offer a little bit of encouragement, and offer my 2 cents. </p>
<p>GPA ISN’T EVERYTHING!!! I had a fairly low (Low 3’s) GPA at the time of application and received an SGR, as well as a low 3 GPA in high school (this matters for Sophomore transfers). I didn’t get a 4.0 in the spring and I got in. (In my defense, I believed my essay was good, I had good extracurriculars in HS, as well as a medical internship in College). All in all, try to be well rounded!</p>
<p>For those who will inevitably speculate about being able to access OASIS and Web Reg, I was not able to access any of these things.</p>
<p>I know it’s going to be difficult, but try not to worry about every little thing. Most of these things aren’t really indicative of acceptance or rejection, but it is a good way to raise your stress level. I was like that too haha.</p>
<p>One thing that I believe really helped me out is talking to my regional counselor. I do believe that they have some influence (even if minor) on your decision. If you have questions, don’t call the admissions office because they don’t really care who you are, e-mail your counselor! They are more helpful anyway…</p>
<p>Well that was my little spiel. Don’t hesitate to message me if you have any questions!</p>
<p>Yea this did die down quite a bit I guess people are focused on summer for the time being. This thread will most likely pick up fall semester. Have a great summer everyone and we’ll get this going.</p>
<p>Fight on.</p>
<p>So it begins again… :D</p>
<p>@DemiDyl Yeah. This won’t pick up until the fall. Haha everyone is either too bummed about their rejection, on vacation, or they haven’t discovered cc yet.</p>
I’m attending a CC, and I want to transfer to USC for Fall 13, but I’m worried because I have 2 W’s and a D in the same subject, history, should i retake the class? I am majoring in biochemistry and am hopeful to enter Keck School of Medicine. Do you think this will affect me for admission? I will try my hardest to bring up my gpa since its not so good or bad. I already applied for freshman year and it was ok, I was not accepted but I will keep trying to get in so my choice was going to a CC,I’m already 3 semesters in. Should I follow the IGETC or USC GE?</p>
<p>Sorry about the long question lol
Please help!
<p>@trojanfighton I’ve been talking with admissions officers and they say they look down on W’s but I really wouldn’t stress over history if your going into the school of medicine… To be competitive though I will help you out… Make sure you don’t have more than 4 W’s in any of the categories I, II, III, V & Diversity Maintain a 3.2-3.4 cumulative GPA and write a stellar essay… From what I’ve read on the 2012 thread there are people who got into Keck with a 3.1 … USC seems like its going for a “how well will you represent our school” buzz… Hope for the best and expect the worst… I know that sounds harsh but that seems to be reality with recent admissions</p>
Thanks for you response, it’s exactly what I needed, I was too worried and stressed but you made it seen simple. I will do it. Lol
Question: Are you currently enrolled in USC?</p>