Official Writing November thread

<p>Wow, College Confidential's servers got PWNED!! i mean owned</p>

<p>Gyros, I have a question just for you:</p>

<p>How many times are you going to take the SAT?</p>

<p>I saw you post on many other SAT posts from different times, and it appears that you have taken the test everytime it was given.</p>

<p>What is your goal in taking so many tests?</p>

<p>(This is a genuine question, not one meant to mock you)</p>

<p>roamorse, you can nevvver say "had began."</p>

<p>i put 2 no errors. i wasnt sure about the one about how forest availibility was diminishing and last part was it. NO ERROR</p>

<p>OH ME TOO!! i didn't kno if it was right or if the it was wrong but i changed it to no error. phweft</p>

<p>wait im not saying im correct. i just put no error because i thought it was impossible to have just one no error in the whole thign. its just not possible</p>

<p>oh, oops. lol, let's hope other people got no error also...</p>

<p>i had 2 no errors. both in the same section before the questions about shakespeare. one was at the end of sentence correction the other was about halfway before that one</p>

<p>that it or "last question" was confusing because the it can refer to the availibility of trees</p>

<p>uhoh. does the 2 no errors count the A's in improving sentences as well?</p>

<p>so overall no changes = 2?!
because i had six overall for no changes :(</p>

<p>Ok I'm sorry but that sports star/teacher inspiring question was just crap. If someone doesn't report it I think I will.</p>

<p>i got 3 no errors. bleh.</p>

<p>there was way more antecedent work on this one than i had notice on the other two sats i took...</p>

<p>we are talking about the the two no errors in the identifying sentence error</p>

<p>again, i dont know if im correct.</p>

<p>I also put the "it" as wrong as it is ambiguous.</p>

<p>What was the one about the board of directors? I put "their" as wrong because board is singular. I wasn't sure though, collective nouns maybe?</p>

<p>Ya il bandito. i remember in the sentence they somewhere reffered to the BOD impersonally. and I put "their" as wrong</p>

<p>Right board of direction is singualar
also the one with the being is incorrect
i have a question on the shakespear phrases thing on the writing
it was " entitled partly blah blah" which one is a suitable correction</p>

<p>damn it. i thought it was ambiguous but i wasn't sure. GAHHHH. and yeah, i put 'their' was wrong. poooo..</p>

<p>I hope they think my essay is great. I wrote about holocaust and DNA.</p>

<p>What was the writing passage about? I had an experimental section for writing, and the first section had a passage about this girl's description of a science-fiction author, and the second one was about Cesar Chavez.</p>