<p>So yes, I am a perfectionist. (And I was also busy with my Columbia ED app.) I was editing my Chicago essays for the millionth time, and clicked to submit the application at 11:55 pm EST.</p>
<p>I THOUGHT I HAD IT ALL TOGETHER. And then it said "you did not invite your counselor and teachers" blah blah. and I thought that was just for people who were sending their recs online! I sent all my recs through snail mail a week ago, and so I didn't think this online crap was necessary for me!</p>
<p>So I had to go double check my teachers' and counselor's email address, and then "invite them" (I don't even know what that means).</p>
<p>and I sent my application in at 12:10 AM.</p>
<p>I KNOW I'M AN IDIOTTTT. Go easy on me, I'm already banging my head against the wall... but am I screwed? Will they reject it? Or will they just put it in the RD pile? What's going to happen? What should I do?</p>
<p>calendarxgirl, I sympathize completely as I’m in a similar situation. I’m sure there’s a time stamp, so they can see that you submitted merely minutes after the deadline. I don’t think they would kill your dreams, or mine for that matter, for being 10 min. late. I actually sent an email to one of the admissions counselor though, explaining what happened. You may want to do that.</p>
<p>Will my application be accepted if I do not reside in the Eastern time zone?</p>
<pre><code>All application deadlines are as of 11:59pm on the stated deadline day. The Common Application records all dates (deadlines, form submission dates, payment dates) in Eastern Time. Schools not located in the eastern time zone may choose to extend their application deadlines to the end of a deadline day in their local time zone or may accept your documents up until the posted deadline in their local time zone (even though your submission time stamp will be recorded in Eastern Time.) For example, a school located in California may accept your application until 2:59am Eastern Time, which is equivalent to 11:59pm Pacific Time. Since this is on a school-by-school basis and this is not information that is available to you, we recommend you submit based on the Eastern Time deadline. Most colleges will accept the submission if it is within a reasonable time period around their deadline.
<p>Do time zones make a difference on the day of the deadline?</p>
<pre><code>No. Living in a different time zone does not affect your application on the day of the deadline. Institutions recognize that students live in different time zones.
<p>I am so sorry that this happened, I don’t know what will ultimately happen with your application (EA v. RD) but Chicago was explicit that it was due 11:59 EDT</p>
<p>Yes, everything is due at 11:59 PM EDT on November 1. It’s fine if your scores come a little late.</p>
<p>October 31, 2008 7:20 PM</p>
<p>That being said, since you had to specify EA in the first section of the common app, I would have assumed it wouldn’t let you submit after the deadline so I don’t know what that all means.</p>
<p>In the next few hours you should get the notification to join the applicants section on the UChicago site and I am sure it will let you know what applicant group you will be in.</p>
<p>Also, dont fret about the rec thing. The only reason this happened was because you specified an email address for your counselor in the application so CommonApp assumed they were being filed online… In the future just get rid of this email address. Since it sounds like your teachers already sent them in through the mail, your best bet is to just follow up with them individually and apologize for the confusion.</p>
<p>mUser- Thanks for the advice; I just emailed my admissions counselor! Hopefully she will understand…
MySassyAssy- I live on the east coast anyway…
Giantredlobster- Wow, thanks for that info. If only I had left the email address blank… Then I wouldn’t have gone through this confusion!</p>
<p>Whatever happened to Baker Island Time? Or does that apply only RD?</p>
<p>(In the past, Chicago had said that it would accept applications submitted up to 11:59pm Baker Island Time on the deadline date. Baker Island is an island in the Pacific, just east of the International Date Line. It’s the last place in American jursidiction any particular day ends, 4 hours past Pacific Time.)</p>