Oh Slippy . . . . . .

<p>Your Tigers looked awesome today. If you’ve gotten Class2012’s special crying towel, you might want to lend it to some Aggie fans.</p>

<p>I have not seen a whisper of an Aggie on facebook since kickoff. </p>

<p>Good job slippy!!!</p>

<p>My Aggie friends have been quiet as are my Baylor friends right now. Here’s to hoping that we are not quiet next weekend!</p>

<p>I had nothing to do with that win. I sold my tickets on Thursday because I didn’t feel like sitting out in the cold all day. I guess I’m a bad fan. Or, more likely, I’m getting too old for that crap.</p>

<p>Anyway, in case you didn’t know, Johnny Football has accounted for one (1) touchdown in two games vs. LSU. Clearly, the Tigers are Johnny’s kryptonite.</p>

<p>Johnny’s lathering up from a 55 gallon drum of Tiger Balm as we speak.</p>

<p>malanai, it’s cold in New Orleans this morning. I don’t like it. Send some Hawaii this way please.</p>

<p>Would if I could, slippy. What would have warmed you on Saturday was watching a bunch of us rooting on your Tigers in a Facebook exchange on the parents’ group (yes, really). </p>

<p>Hang in there, my friend, and stay close to the space heater.</p>