It sure does… Also in at Penn State and Pitt - both OOS for us, so have dropped out of contention given the other strong choices he has. No merit at VT or UMD either, but UMD is in state for us - so a strong possibility. But he’s leaning towards Purdue.
@grendyrc @HoCoDad My son got into all these schools too but is international so have to pay full every where. Which one are you leaning towards?
If you are international and paying the full amount then Purdue is hard to beat for its value - highest ranked of the lot with the lowest cost of attendance. Good luck with your decision.
I’d agree with @HoCoDad there on Purdue, when looking at full price/no merit, its hard to beat it for school quality and ranking for engineering. The only other one I know of that may be better for full price v. Ranking is Georgia Tech.
Has anyone accepted in January received National Buckeye Scholarship?
Have not- still hopeful.
We are wondering the same thing. Received a Merit letter but no word on honors.
My son applied to a lot of the same schools as your son. Did you get merit from Perdue? It’s a great engineering school and the tuition is more reasonable than many other schools.
No he did not get any merit, but agree with you that the tuition is very reasonable compared to other schools and the engineering program is excellent.
We are in the same boat; with OOS and no merit, Purdue comes in about $7000 more annually than Ohio State with Buckeye + Provost. We are waiting to see if any department scholarships come our way before her final decision.
We are weighing some of the same options here. Older son gradulated OOS from OSU in 2021 and loved it, and very affordable with the merit you mention. From my experience, their program is very supportive. OSU did jump the annual engineering fees from his time there from $500/year to $4500/year to help fund all the new facility investments there. Hopefully Purdue will continue to hold costs for another 4-5 years if that’s the choice, lol. I think will be dropping VT and MD due to costs given no OOS merit there for us.
@Kesa2004 If you don’t mind, are you in state or OOS? We are OOS and still waiting on merit and honors.
Following you as we are OOS and my DS is waiting for merit and honor too from OSU, last week end we visited OSU and he fall in love with it :). He got into Perdue but he doesn’t want to go there.
Thanks for mentioning that. I didn’t have the Engineering Fees in my budget breakdown for Ohio State, but did for Purdue.
Good luck. My son loved Perdue and was upset that he was deferred but got accepted to Ohio State and University of Maryland with good merit from both. We need to visit Maryland as he’s seen both Ohio and Perdue.
What is the co-op program like at OSU?
Similar situation here. No merit from Purdue, UT Austin, NC State, VT (well $3k from VT but that’s just a couple text books thrown in ). Deferred at GT so that’s another with zero merit if accepted. These kids work so hard with hopes of scholarships and get little $. I guess their reward is just getting accepted and then give the school lots of $.
Good merit at U of Alabama so considering that too.
Would like to hear your pro/cons for OSU.
My son participated in the co-op program starting as a sophmore. He first reached out to his chemistry professor as a freshman and started doing some reseach for her. That research led to a call about a Co-op position at Dupont in the area he was researching (he is a ChemE). 3 Co-op rotations later, he is employed in Delaware by Dupont, thanks to all of that! I also know OSU holds several very big recruiting events in spring and fall for internships and co-ops, just depends on the path the student prefers. Co-ops can lead to a longer graduation date than an internship due to missed semesters, but he found the work more involved/meaningful than a couple months in the summer could give. I’d highly suggest an engineering day visit if not already attended, as they do a good job explaining the opportunities there.
Thank you! Going to Buckeye Bound and scheduled virtual COE overview. Hopefully that will help.
Congratulations on the merit - Those are both excellent options. Hope your visit to UMD goes well. Good luck with your decision.
My daughter just received the Buckeye National Scholarship notification in the mail today and was accepted in the January round. Considering Purdue, Richmond, deferred at Georgia Tech, and awaiting a few others.