<p>So, I'm terrible at Calculus. I applied Early Decision 1 and am somewhat confident about my chances. Just wondering.</p>
<p>Well if you haven’t already been accepted then this will definitely hurt your chances of getting in. Unless you have a REALLY good excuse, but even then it will still hurt your chances of getting in.</p>
<p>Well, my first quarter grade for Calc was a B…they won’t see the possible D until mid year reports, so by then I will have hypothetically already been accepted.</p>
<p>One D probably won’t get an acceptance to be revoked. provided you have a solid finish to senior year
EDIT: Of course, it’s different depending on your past record. If you had a 3.8 and only 1 or 2 Bs a year, this will look alot worst than if you have a few scattered Cs</p>
<p>yeah… why didn’t I just take Pre-Calc? stupid.</p>
<p>I’ve never had a C in my life and the last time I had a B was sophomore year.</p>
<p>I’ve never had a B. Always been A’s with the few odd A-'s</p>
<p>Cool. I’m glad we care…</p>
<p>No offense but urmomgoes2colege, OP didn’t ask for your grades.</p>
<p>I know a girl who got into UCSD and got a D in AP Calc AB, but he acceptance wasn’t revoked. & She wasn’t dumb so she had decent grades before.</p>
<p>I agree with scotchtape.</p>
<p>This isn’t the place to brag about your GPA when someone’s worried about their D and B</p>
<p>I think part of it depends on the transcript that got you in. If you have a C or two and they let you in, one D isn’t going to make them rescind you. If you get into a great school with a 3.95 unweighted then a D looks a bit different. </p>
<p>Understand that I don’t really have any concrete knowledge in this area, it’s just my reasoning based on what I’ve heard.</p>
<p>a D will drag you down like a heavy weight when swimming</p>
<p>Can you get a tutor and work on bringing the grade up? I don’t think you send a midyear report after ED acceptance. The next time they will see your transcript after first quarter grades will be in June. So there is plenty of time to work hard in calculus and bring up your year end grade. A B- or better would certainly neutralize the first semester D but even a C end of year would likely be OK.</p>
<p>Don’t wait and assume the worst. Get a tutor. Talk to the teacher. If you grade is really that bad, TELL the college yourself.</p>