so i am interested in getting an online degree because i want to work real badly, yet i guess it wouldnt hurt to get an education huh? Anyways, could someone please explain how these things work? how do classes work, homework, exams and so on and so on. I’m kinda of confused on it, so if someone would please take the time and explian everything to me id greatly appreciate it.
Hello beantown4,
Online classes are quite similar to physical ones. You will either read, watch a video, or listen to audio to learn the material. You will get assignments which have to be submitted to your instructor. Some online courses will have due dates, some will be independently paced, allowing you to complete the class as fast or slow as you want. There are usually online discussions, similar to this forum. In almost all cases, exams will be proctored. An acceptable proctor will usually be a local university or library. Let me know if you have any other questions.
I am currently an online student with Western International University. WIU is associated with University Of Phoenix. WIU is where a person receives his or her associate’s degree and UOP is where a person obtains their bachelors degree.
I have been attending WIU for six months and I love it. I have 18 weeks left before I receive my degree. In the beginning you will receive a syllabus detailing your work expected from you on a weekly basis. A person is given homework three days a week and you have until midnight to get in sent in. I have never had to take a test. This type of college had been both convenient and rewarding for me.
Im currently attending University of Phoenix in Braintree, MA. It’s 80% online, and you come to campus once a month. It’s perfect if you want online but you don’t feel comfortable just jumping into it.