Ole Miss Tailgate

<p>Our resident football expert (aka NJ/Casino) will be hosting a tailgate with some of his friends from TI. The tailgate will start at 2pm and run up until kickoff. Beer, soda, water, and food will be provided. And from what I understand there will be a few jars of moonshine being passed around as well :wink: Anyway all you have to do is stop on by, no need to bring anything. </p>

<p>He will be providing me with the exact location on Friday, so stay tuned and hope to see y’all there!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Rose, please make sure casino goes easy on the moonshine. I’m certain he has homework this weekend. :)</p>

<p>Thanks for posting :)…See y’all there!!</p>

<p>We will be there for sure…cannot wait to meet the ‘infamous’ CasinoExec aka NJ!</p>

<p>Hope to meet up with everyone this weekend! Roll Tide!</p>