<p>In fact, I got no envelope. Wouldn't that mean that I was rejected? I live in Houston, if that's significant at all.</p>
<p>Wow, rejected from Harvard and Princeton already. Yale, please, save me from this horror!</p>
<p>In fact, I got no envelope. Wouldn't that mean that I was rejected? I live in Houston, if that's significant at all.</p>
<p>Wow, rejected from Harvard and Princeton already. Yale, please, save me from this horror!</p>
<p>still no envelope for me (ha probably rejected too) haha</p>
<p>priority mail would mostly likely take 2 days for someone in houston... expect it on friday</p>
<p>I'm expecting it tomorrow, and I live in Florida</p>
<p>how long will it take for canadians...acceptance? rejection?</p>
<p>what about virginia?</p>
<p>What about Asia?</p>
<p>I'm in Houston and I'm not expecting anything until Saturday. If USPS is super-fast, maybe Friday. I highly doubt anything coulda gotten to Houston by today.</p>
<p>In case you guys didn't know. FedEx handles all USPS priority mail. Most of the time, it would arrive next day. However, the contract says that USPS shipments can be bumped off if FedEx has high volume that day.</p>
<p>so it comes by USPS and not FedEx? Meaning the ask the weight of the package trick won't work... <em>sigh</em></p>
<p>Actually, FedEx only handles all Priority Mail that is internationally bound (according to the FedEx representative)</p>
<p>Bgrill27 ~ Once again, thank you for the last tidbit of information. Hopefully positive news today, as this close to Pton (in Philly) I don't think I can rationalize that a positive answer will arrive on Saturday. Today is the day, and either a packet or a lack of a packet tells the story, at least in the Philly suburbs.</p>
<p>Anytime :) I think you're right. As for the West Coast/Western US, it might take till Saturday. I guess we'll just have to wait for all the CCers in those areas to post once they check their mail today.</p>
<p>Nothing from Princeton today in midwest - probably means bad news because I think priority would have arrived today. Anyone from midwest receive a decision yet?</p>
<p>Leadfooter, where in the midwest are you located? Mail here in St. Louis arrives after 3pm and my son is out of town wondering if it will be today or tomorrow.</p>
<p>Leadfooter, I'm in Iowa and got my package today. Good luck!</p>
<p>Waitlist letter here in the Philly suburbs, but son is not giving up!</p>
<p>that's awesome. princeton is such a hard school to get into.</p>
<p>Thanks Kristen - doesn't bode well for us I think, but congrats to you!! Just awesome!</p>
<p>We are in Illinois btw - anyone in Illinois get a letter or package today?</p>
<p>reasonabledad, I have noticed your posts on many of the same schools as my S applied to and they have very similar stats. Congrats on the waitlist - that is actually quite an accomplishment I would say. Any idea where your son thinks he will attend next year?</p>