On APs and My Chances

I am currently a junior at a school which offers 17 APs. If it matters, I am an Asian Indian girl looking to major in engineering and business related fields. This year, I signed up for 3 APS: APLAC, APUSH and APCS. However, I am struggling in APCS, because I have no prior experience in Java. I am focusing so much on APCS that I am not doing well on my other courses, which include two math and science honors and advanced drama. I am considering dropping this and instead being a teacher's assistent for a calculus teacher. Should I continue with this plan?
Also, I have already taken Statistics in my local community college. I am looking forward to take more high level math courses in the future. How will that affect my GPA?</p>

APCS (tentative - thinking of dropping and replacing with TA)
Physics Honors
Precalculus Honors
Advanced Drama
French 3</p>

AP Govt/Econ
AP Calc BC
AP Lit
AP Physics
ROP Engineering
French 4 Honors
APCS (i will learn java over the summer and take this class again if dropped last year. If not, I will take AP Bio (double up) or no class at all)</p>

<p>In any case, I plan to take 6 - 8 APs out of 17 offered (3 of them are in lanaguges I am not taking). </p>

<p>My dream schools are Princeton and MIT, as well as a few top Ivies as well such as Brown and Columbia. Not Harvard, though.
I am also thinking of applying to UC Berkeley and Stanford. How rigorous do you think my AP plan is?

<p>Bump Bump.</p>

<p>Hi there, another-girl-that-likes-engineering. (They are surprisingly hard to find, even on CC). AP CS…if you don’t know Java, then it depends on how much out-of-class time you can realistically put in to learning it. I entered AP CS with a year of coursework in programming already (and prior independent experience in web design). I honestly think I wouldn’t have been able to survive the class without that. AP CS, at my school, ended up focusing on a good deal of semi-conceptual stuff that required a solid base of understanding for how to program.</p>

<p>If you are struggling, drop it. You’ll want to maintain your grades for junior year. But if you are indeed planning on taking AP CS eventually…people plan a ton of things to do over the summer that never get done. Don’t let studying be one of those things. =)</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice! I did drop APCS and am working as a Library TA, keeping my finger on the literary pulse of my school :smiley: I hope my classes seem rigourous enough.</p>