On the SIS....

<p>On my SIS page.. in the "My Application" box, I have a green check mark. I had a green circle before, so does that mean they made a decision on me and I just can't see it until April First? Or does that just mean that everything is in and they are still decidiing?</p>

<p>it means you got in!!!
how’d you find out so early!??</p>

<p>not really. good luck though.</p>

<p>Lol that was harsh. Most likely, you were a green circle because you had submitted your CommonApp/other online things, and the check means everything is in for good (transcripts and anything else non-online has been matched with your file). Schools take great care not to release decisions early for some and not for others.</p>

<p>My student page shows a green check too. I think shoebox is right, it means your application is complete (except maybe mid-year reports) and UVa has begun to process it.</p>

<p>mine shows a check but i still have a transcript for dual enrollment pending in my “to do” list??? hmmm</p>

<p>Mine is showing a green check now with transcript “initiated” still in the “to do” list. I also am a dual enrollment student. This is probably not good news for me since I’m OOS and far from the slam dunk acceptance category (probably more on the opposite end).</p>

<p>caroline did you send a transcript? i sent one in the middle of december when th semester was complete and it still hasn’t shown up. i called the school it to confirm that they sent it and they said they did so i’m hoping ti didn’t get misplaced since it is not a “normal” part of the file</p>

<p>swoopes2, I ordered a transcript from a university months ago because this summer was my last semester of dual enrollment. Naviance is showing that my midyear grades were sent a week or two ago and I am pretty sure my h.s. sent the reports and transcripts over the winter break. I am concerned that the check is showing up because my stats aren’t stellar and it appears they are completely finished with me while I have something still initiated in my “to do” list. If I’m a slam dunk anything, it would more than likely be a slam dunk rejection.</p>

<p>S just advised that his green check mark has disappeared and now he has no status symbol–just a to do list item to send in his mid year report. That is correct as he has until February 15 to do so and his school does not get around to doing this until his semester grades become available on February 13 or so. I wonder why his app had been considered complete before (incorrectly so) but now has a to do item.</p>

<p>The area that had the symbols (like a grid) is completely gone for me now. It still has transcript as initiated in the “to do” list, but my dual enrollment transcript was sent in November. It had my file as complete with a decision made while that item was still initiated. I assumed they had seen enough and my transcript wouldn’t have made a difference. I’ve been kind of down about it, but it was a reach anyway.</p>

<p>Do not read too much into (or get too upset) about these changes. Only those on the inside know the true meaning.</p>

<p>Thanks for the encouragement–I needed it. I haven’t been getting much good news (any, really) so I am kind of in the “here we go again” mode. It was unusual to see that whole section gone today. Good luck to your son.</p>

<p>Thank you–and to you as well.</p>

<p>We took the symbols down temporarily today because the company behind the system named the green check mark “admitted”. So, anyone who hovered their mouse over the symbol saw the name of the symbol (the others were named “incomplete” and “complete”, so they wouldn’t get you too excite). We took the grid down so we could rename the icon.</p>

<p>It’ll be back up shortly. Sorry, folks. We just didn’t want anyone to freak out over seeing the magic word when it really didn’t apply to them. We are only a few weeks into reading. It will take at least another month just to get through the first phase of reading. After that, we need another 2-3 weeks to do the second round of reading. It is way, way too early to see anything new on your status pages.</p>

<p>Thanks for the clarification Dean J!</p>