UC Admission Help Please!

<p>I am a senior in high school and I need to ask a quick question.</p>

<p>I have completed 13 of the 15 courses listed on this page: [Admission</a> requirements | UC Admissions](<a href=“http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/freshman/requirements/]Admission”>http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/freshman/requirements/)</p>

<p>The two I have left are one year of English and one year of a Visual and performing arts. I am going to pass my English class without a doubt, but I am a worried that I will receive a D first semester for my AP Art History class.</p>

<p>I am looking to go to UCI and was wondering if getting a D will have them revoke my application since I will not have completed one of the 15 courses with a “C or better”.</p>

<p>What can I do?</p>

<p>Take another VPA class next semester to meet the requirement. You won’t be rescinded unless your GPA is under 3.0</p>

<p>You do need to notify UC in writing if you get less than a C in a class or change your class schedule for senior year. For the art requirement, you need to have a full year of the same art, not 2 semesters of different art classes.</p>

<p>the short answer is that, unless you qualify for admission by testing alone, yes you will be rescinded. A D in a required a-g course, means that you have not met the minimum requirements for admission to any UC.</p>

<p>And the above poster is correct. You need a full year of the same VAPA sequence.</p>

<p>If you do receive a D, be proactive and contact each campus to which you applied. Offer to take a transferable VAPA class at your local juco this spring. (A typical transferable course will cover two semesters’ worth of HS academics in one juco semester.)</p>

<p>I see, but I have never received a grade of D, let alone C throughout high school. My GPA and SAT are high, and my brother goes to UCI. Due to family issues however, I fell behind and am on the edge of a D.</p>

<p>If I end up getting a D, but a C or B the next semester, will it cancel out maybe?
Or is taking classes at a juco my only option?</p>

<p>A ‘D’ is not acceptable for a required a-g class. Period.</p>

<p>So, even earning a A in second semester will not suffice. You need two C’s or better.</p>

<p>Okay, so how do I sign up for a transferable juco class for VAPA?? Do I go to a community college and sign up?</p>

<p>check your local community college’s website. Yes, you will have to register that way, but since you are still in high school, you will probably need a note from your HS GC. (The local colleges receive extra funding from the State for high schoolers who attend, so extra permission is required.)</p>

<p>Couple thoughts…ask your teacher how you could possibly get to a C…might require extra credit assignments- explain your situation. Is there a non-AP version that you could switch into and perhaps be graded on a less harsh scale…I believe it’s time to start groveling…</p>


<p>The other posters are correct. I thought the two art classes could be different but they can’t.</p>