<p>This is just random and not extremely important but still a point of interest so I thought I'd ask.</p>
<p>I was flipping through my NYU booklet and looking at the list of different clubs because I was always in a bunch of clubs in high school and I would like to continue this in college. So I have a couple of questions.</p>
<p>First, I'm a huge theatre geek. It's really my passion but I don't see it as a practical profession for me. I'm not Tisch, I'm LSP for CAS. Anyway, it seems like the College of Arts and Science Theatre is the only theatre club not restricted to Tisch. I was wondering if this club is only for CAS because of the name, or if it is open to everyone. I ask because most of the clubs restricted to one school say it in parentheses next to the club name. If not, is there a theatre club I could participate in as LSP? I love theatre and a club would be my only opportunity since I'm pre-health. If not I guess I'd just have to wait until junior year and join the CAS group. I'm only really interested in musical theatre, not straight plays. </p>
<p>Secondly, exactly how devoted would you say the student body is to extra curriculars? I mean obviously this would vary from club to club but just a gauge if possible. I know there are some schools where students are very devoted to extra currics and others where they're pretty much just kind of apathetic. It just seems like NYU has so many options and I would hope to be a part of a few at least.</p>
<p>Please and thanks in advance. Just wondering about how this type of thing is at NYU. I'm still undecided with less than two weeks to send out a deposit and every little factor is being taken into account at this point.</p>