OOS direct admit for marketing at UW Madison

Daughter is a junior from OOS competitive HS in a top county with 4.2 W and 3.78 UW GPA with 6 AP classes and 8 honors classes from 8-11th grade. She has a 29 ACT. Stellar ECs. Chances for direct admit to the business school?

I believe it is going to be a challenge based on in state kids not getting in with similar stats. Just getting accepted to the university from out of state will likely require a 3.85 UW GPA+ and a 30+ ACT (unless there is a hook of some type). Getting direct admit to the business school will be even tougher.

I agree with dhart87. She needs higher stats just to be admitted to UW, much less the WSB. Have her study and take the ACT again.

OOS parent of recent grad here – sorry to say, 29 is low for an OOS applicant, and really puts the application in “no man’s land” – probably a deferral if apply early, and then could go either way for acceptance. Unlikely for direct admit to Business.

Squeezing an extra couple of points to get 31+ would really help, UW does not superscore, so it has to be a straight composite.

Your daughter should apply. My son was accepted Direct to Business School with a 3.7 UW and 4.1W 1400 SAT. From California. Great essay and strong math score.

Thank you so much!!! Good to know. She’ll defitmely apply!! The 1400 was a big help. My dtr’s 29 ACT is comparable to around a 1350. She will work on having a great essay to reflect her leadership. She is in DECA (an officer, and state winner all 3 years), works with a charity (she’s been involved with the Sme Train since early Elementary raising $ and awareness thru Elementary and middle school and now as a student ambassador in HS where she attended a conference in NYC to work on their marketing campaign, and visited families in Mexico who benefited from the smile train fundraising), and has gone to the same overnight Camp since age 9, which has shows the person she is (and where she competed her leader in training year going to dinsey world’s youth leadership training and this year will be a CIT and spend 1 week away for helping to rebuild a community in TX hit hard in last year’s storms then return to Camp for 6 wks to plan Camp and be a counselor in training). That in addition to playing 1-2 sports, reffing soccer on weekends, and participating in a school club. Hoping those strong EC help!