OOS don't give up hope...Mich Tradition Scholarship Received Today

<p>Just when we thought no $$ was out there for us OOS....a great surprise came in the mail today. $45,000 over 9 semesters for Engineering son.............YIPEE GO BLUE here we come!!! Hope there are more of us out there....Good luck!!!</p>

<p>i feel like engineering gets everythingg ): but congrats!!!</p>

<p>Wow, that’s great. We are OOS as well & my son was accepted EA Engineering. Did your S apply for this scholarship? Only thing we received several weeks back were loans.</p>

<p>Congrats! Nothing here - but still hoping…</p>

<p>I got it too! Thanks Michigan!!!</p>

<p>ELY: There was no application process for this scholarship.</p>

<p>Since I live in PA guess I’m not getting it…why can’t I have any luck…ever… Congrats to those who got it, though.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if there is there any way to ‘appeal’ for merit scholarships?</p>

<p>This is no application for the Tradition it just arrived out of the blue…we are “non-need” according to them anyway and were only offered 5,500 in loans. Our letter said it was based on academic achievement and the diversity application essay. We are white middle class, but with some interesting diverse living experiences.</p>

<p>skywalker…Nebraska rocks today!!! Way to go…your academics were a big part of it as well. Keep us posted on your attendance.</p>

<p>I got it too :). Go Nebraska! Haha</p>


<p>bd16425: Where in NE r u from?? There are a few of us accepted from Omaha. You should PM us if you are attending. Congrats.</p>

<p>Congrats, LF. I keep telling kids about the value of those essays but they never believe me ;)</p>

<p>LF: I think we’ve talked before. You go to Millard north right? I’m from Omaha too and go to westside. I’m still not 100% sure I’m going to Michigan but it’s starting to look really good so I’ll let you know if I decide to go!</p>

<p>“it just arrived out of the blue” (littlefalls)–no pun intended??</p>

<p>How exciting! I don’t recall my S’s MI diversity essay being stand-out, but I’ll be stalking the mailman in hopes . . .</p>

<p>Go Blue!</p>

<p>bd16425…you are right…Millard North…I must have you confused with skywalker23…also from Omaha…do you know him/her?? Just curious bd & skywalker was your diversity essay unique or do they just consider living in NE unique?? :)</p>

<p>Yeah I actually do know skywalker. My diversity essay was about how I am Pakistani and have learned to accept different cultures and how I utilized that in a trip I took to Austria this past summer. I don’t really think mine was too unique but I thought I wrote my essay pretty well.</p>

<p>I’m thinking that living in Nebraska was the key - not the essay. Since the all people that got the scholarship were from Nebraska.</p>

<p>kttmom: perhaps…but my s was also able to talk about attending an international school in Germany as well as being exposed to different religions in our family, having a special needs sister and living amoung the Amish community in Lancaster, PA. The essay he wrote was really quite good. Nebraska may have been just a piece of the puzzle…who knows for sure??</p>

<p>I betcha people from other states got it
It would be kinda weird to just pick a random state like nebraska…</p>

<p>I got this scholarship too.</p>

<p>Do any of you know which scholarship is the best? for the nonresidents?</p>

<p>just curious. and thanks!</p>