Scholarships other than test scores?

<p>Hi. I’m an oos applicant. I have a high gpa 3.95 unweighted and 4.6 weighted. Top 10% of my class. I have student government leadership, president NHS and Key Club, 250 volunteer hours. School cheerleading and competitive cheerleading. My only downfall is a 29 ACT. I really didn’t have time for prep classes and thought I would do well on the tests. I really want to go to Alabama but I can’t afford the out of state tuition. I filled out the scholarship application in hopes of bringing down the costs. Reading on here it seems that lots of the kids applying for scholarships have extremely high test scores. Are there scholarships for students like me? Are most of the scholarships for the high test scorers? Should I just concentrate on my second choice in state school? I signed up for Capstone scholar day but I’m wondering if it’s a waste of time and money. I’m so disappointed and wish I hadn’t done so many ec’s but studied for the ACT instead.</p>

<p>do you have scholarship offers from other schools?</p>

<p>there was another thread on here within the last couple of days that covers thins topic.</p>

<p>Try this…</p>

<p>Apply to Miss State and UAB…then take their scholarship offers and see if Bama will increase their offer to you.</p>

<p>also…what is your major? Some majors have some scholarships.</p>

<p>Did you take the SAT?</p>

<p>with your GPA and test score you are guaranteed 3500/yr if that helps.</p>

<p>My only downfall is a 29 ACT</p>

<p>With an ACT 29, if you get a better offer elsewhere (at a good school), then Bama might increase your scholarship a bit.</p>

<p>How much do you need?</p>

<p>What is your major?</p>

<p>I know Bama sometimes gives unnamed scholarships to kids with 35/36 ACT, but I don’t know about GPA. You could try to get a better offer from another school.</p>

<p>Will Miss State still give the scholarship if u dont apply before Dec 1?</p>

<p>And does Bama recalculate the GPA for scholarships? My 9-11 GPA isn’t posted on my transcript?</p>

<p>Will Miss State still give the scholarship if u dont apply before Dec 1?</p>

<p>Yes…I’ve found that MSU’s Dec 1 deadline is rather meaningless. </p>

<p>*And does Bama recalculate the GPA for scholarships? My 9-11 GPA isn’t posted on my transcript? *</p>

<p>What is posted on your transcript?</p>

<p>9-12 total
10-12 total
9-12 academic</p>

<p>But I took a summer class that took my 3.5 down to a 3.47 and it’s labeled as Summer 2011 '12th grade but I don’t know if they’ll count it as 11th because all my GPA’s are now 3.4 to 3.1…</p>

<p>Have your GC write on your transcript that your GPA for grades 9-11 is a 3.5 </p>

<p>That will solve the issue.</p>

<p>you may need to have your transcript resent with this new info.</p>

<p>I asked Stephanie Lowe if they’d accept a signed written in version and she said no!?</p>

<p>But my Registrar refuses to sign off on it? What can I do?</p>

<p>*I asked Stephanie Lowe if they’d accept a signed written in version and she said no!?</p>

<p>But my Registrar refuses to sign off on it? What can I do?*</p>

<p>??? Bama has accepted a GPA that is written on the transcript.</p>

<p>But, your GC won’t do it?</p>

<p>No, my registrar wont. But, I dont know if I can ask my GC since we have a registrar?!</p>

<p>Who can I contact about my scholarship?</p>

<p>You should be able to ask your GC.</p>