Opt-in for AWAY game tickets is today



<p>According to the email it is UA hours as of Fall 2011. I assume that means your hours after the fall semester (Dec 2011) and not before the fall semester (Aug 2011). </p>



<p>You might want to make sure how they’re doing the student tickets for that game first.
I know for Penn St last year they actually made the students pick their ticket up in Happy Valley by showing their ACT card. If they do the same for Michigan it will limit the use of those tickets to just the students who bought them.</p>



<p>I’m a bit surprised the cutoff was so low as well. It’s great that just about all students who wanted tics to that game got them. I can’t imagine having 10 kids running around my house let alone 15. But I’m sure it will be a memorable weekend for your son and family that will be talked about for years. You might need to take out a loan for the grocery bill that weekend though :slight_smile: Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>This is weird…I didn’t get an e-mail with ticket information.
I requested tickets on the correct date and requested Michigan, Tennessee, and LSU. Of course I knew I wouldn’t have a shot being a freshman right now…but it was worth a try. Turns out you need 15 hours for Michigan, which I have (16 last semester) but I still didn’t get an e-mail…anyone know what’s up? All my friends who asked for Michigan got the e-mail, and I didn’t…</p>

<p>Oooh, thanks, casino! I think she just made it. She had 15 credits first semester. I’ll have some good news for her when she walks off the plane. Headed to the airport in one hour!!! Can’t wait to see her :)</p>



<p>Login to your RollTide.com account tomorrow morning after 8am and see if it gives you an order blank to purchase the ticket. There is a chance they could have based it on pre fall 2011 hours earned and not post fall 2011 hours but that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Check tomorrow and if you don;t see the order blank in your rolltide.com account then call the ticket office and ask them what’s up.</p>



<p>Hopefully it’s post fall 2011 hours and not pre fall 2011. Have her do what I told Djoker to do tomorrow. You have to purchase them by 5pm central time on Friday so don’t wait around and miss the window. Hope you have a great reunion at the airport. I know you’re happy to have her home for a little while.</p>

<p>S didn’t even get Michigan as he didn’t have 15 UA credits for the fall. Oh well there is always next year. Don’t think he’ll have 98 UA credits by Jr year, so he won’t ever get any of the big game tickets. Casualty of coming in with a lot of credits and not taking a full schedule. He wants
LSU & Mizzou tickets, so I’m sure that will cost $$$. Plus you won’t be sitting with the rest of the visiting students. There is always UA grad school ;)</p>

<p>Okay, casino, it’s official. She just bought her ticket. Now I have to figure out how she’s getting there, where she’s staying, etc., oh, and how I stop my husband from trying to go!!! Advice please!!!</p>

<p>I’m trying to figure out which tickets I should buy. One side benefit of taking 16-17 hours some semesters is that I qualified to purchase tickets to the Tennessee game.</p>

<p>Now I just need to convince my parents that $260+travel costs for four games is a good deal. I also have no idea how most students get to and where they stay for away games as I know how much Tuscaloosa hotels cost on gamedays. :)</p>

<p>SEA_Tide you are the master of good deals. Keep me posted on what you come up with!!!</p>

<p>My son called me the other night and said he got every away game ticket except for LSU. As for how to get there and where to stay, he’ll figure it out. I’ll stay home in the air-conditioned house and watch the games while I iron.</p>

<p>What are the possibilities of an incoming freshman getting a Tennessee ticket for a reasonable price? My D has some friends at UTK.</p>

<p>If she gets a ticket, Sea-tide, you’re welcome to the couch. We’re about 2 hours from Knoxville and 3.5 from Tuscaloosa. Oh, and she’ll have a car.</p>

<p>Tenn should suck again. So tickets should be easily available and affordable.</p>

<p>For more info on how Bama fans feel about Tennessee watch this youtube vid. Greatest interview ever.</p>

<p>[I&lt;/a&gt; Hate Tennessee - YouTube](<a href=“I Hate Tennessee - YouTube”>I Hate Tennessee - YouTube)</p>

<p>Yes, I know that Tennessee is not good, but around here that is the biggest rivalry. Tenn fans keep thinking they were robbed, and the refs are blind, and they’ll get Bama next year. You’d think it was the superbowl, with all the big parties and hoopla. I’m glad to hear a student ticket might be a possibility.</p>

<p>Any tips on getting tickets for the Dallas game? </p>

<p>Stadium ticket sales show sold out, stub hub has them starting at $375 and that is sitting in a different zip code than the field.</p>



<p>Tennessee is definitely a big rivalry. It’s actually an older rivalry than the one with the barn. But if they have 3 or 4 losses going into that game (quite possible) then tickets will be dirt cheap as the pumpkins won’t want to watch us destroy them yet again in Neyland. Just remember, you can’t spell slut without “ut”.</p>



<p>Wait until early August for Michigan tickets. Most Bama season ticket holders don’t know yet if they’re getting tickets or how many from The University. Supply will start hitting the various ticket boards on TI, BOL, Tidesports in August when the tickets ship from The University. Don’t buy from Stub Hub or Ebay right now or you’ll be paying premium.</p>

<p>Face value for the game is high so be prepared to pay a little money. But don’t pay anymore than $400 a pair for uppers or $500 for lowers. More than likely the prices will drop the closer to the game it gets and as more people find the cost of airfare and hotel rooms will prevent them from going. </p>

<p>Face Value is
$125 for upperdeck
$175 for lower level endzone and corners
$285 for lower level around the 20’s</p>

<p>Thanks! We have gone to a Cowboys game and sat upper level and with the big screen in front of you its hard to remember there is a game in the building and watch the field.</p>

<p>Seriously thinking of meeting DS at the game in Dallas. We can get reasonably price plane tickets right now and hotel prices are pretty good now. My question for those of you who have been to the Cowboys stadium. How is parking and or some kind of shuttle to the game? Thinking about trying to get a hotel close or not so close, but cheaper…</p>

<p>Parking is EXPENSIVE at the stadium. And there are only a couple hotels within walking distance and they aren’t cheap either. </p>

<p>However there is a trolley service that links various hotels that will take you to and from Cowboys stadium. Here’s the link.</p>

<p>Edit: I just saw that they won’t take you to the stadium on game days. But you can get off at the six flags stop and walk from there (roughly a mile)</p>

<p>[Transport</a> for hotel guests to Arlingtons attractions - Hotels Arlington Trolley](<a href=“http://arlingtontrolley.com/hotels/]Transport”>Hotels - Arlington Trolley)</p>

<p>And if you want to stay in Fort Worth (more options and entertainment) then you can take The T. Make sure you read the part about what’s new for the 2011 season as that will show you the various hotel route stops. </p>

<p><a href=“http://www.the-t.com/BusService/SpecialPrograms/tabid/247/Default.aspx[/url]”>http://www.the-t.com/BusService/SpecialPrograms/tabid/247/Default.aspx&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>There are sites… I will try to find some and post for you … where you can reserve parking just across the road from the stadium parking. Some of these are actually closer to the stadium than official parking. Last game we went to that we drove & parked was pre-season last year and I paid $18. DO NOT park at the Walmart on the northwest (?) side of the stadium. People get towed there all the time.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.parkwhiz.com/cowboys-stadium-parking/michigan-vs-alabama-football-52771/[/url]”>Dallas Cowboys Parking | AT&T Stadium Parking | ParkWhiz;

<p>Thanks as always for the advice guys!</p>

<p>I ended up buying tickets for Michigan and Missouri. I was almost able to get inexpensive airfare right into Columbia, but Delta’s website was acting up. As for Dallas, I’m waiting to see if airfare goes on sale and seeing what people are in terms of transportation and hotels. One of the negatives of not having a car on campus is that one has a harder time getting to away games. Things will get very expensive if I don’t go with other people.</p>