organic chem series Q

<p>so for bio majors/premeds who take the chem 140 series, can someone clarify how it works?</p>

<p>my guess is that in a year, we take 140A, 140B, and then 140C
and then during the last quarter we also fit in 143A, and this will be good for med school requirements?</p>

<p>(i guess this process is similar to general chem, where the last quarter u take 6BL)</p>


<p>I believe you can take chem 143A concurrently with chem 140B. that would be another option.</p>

<p>there’s no quarter that you “have” to take the lab … it just has to be completed before you start med school. but it does make sense to take it as soon as possible so you don’t forget everything. 6BL is best taken after 6C, since it incorporates a few 6C topics (though they’re not hard, a lot of people do 6BL/6C concurrently w/o any problem). 143A/AH can be handled any time after 140A.</p>

<p>I think it’d be better if you finished 140b before taking 143a though…my opinion. it’s doable though, if you had just 140a knowledge.</p>

<p>thanks for the opinions guys</p>

<p>so how much harder is it to do 6BL + 6C than just wait for the next fall quarter and do
6BL independently? b/c that would probably be incorporated w/ ochem + physics + possibly a bio course</p>

<p>not very. i think the majority of 6BL-takers do it in conjunction with 6C.</p>

<p>haha when i took it, a lot of people were 2nd years (myself included). i took it when i was finishing up Chem140C. i have a really strong general chem background (having taken honors chem, ap chem, then chem6a-c at ucsd) so it wasn’t hard to pick up everything again at all. it IS a time-consuming class…this has been agreed upon by every person. no doubt about it. so if you feel that you’re gonna do ok in bio, ochem and physics, then go and take 6bl too.</p>