
Are there any buses that go from Springfield to Blacksburg (to virginia tech exactly)? I really need some help. PLEASEEEE

nope. Megabus goes to christiansburg. If you can get to Roanoke airport there is the Smartway that goes go campus.

Another option might be to take the train from Union Station to Lynchburg and then transfer to the SmartWay bus. It would be tricky and you probably would need to stay at a hotel the night before orientation and possibly the night after orientation because of the limited train and bus schedules.


As you probably know Christiansburg is about a mile from Blacksburg. I’m sure there’s local transit from wherever Megabus leaves you to campus. I just looked at the site and the buses arrive at weird times.

You could also join the class of 2020 Facebook and ask if anyone can give you a ride on your orientation date. Offer to pay generously. If we lived in that area we’d certainly have room for you. There’s also a Facebook page for VA Tech parents and someone would surely help.

Edit: I did some research:




Thank you so much everyone!