out of state chances


<p>hi, i'm a rising Puerto Rican male senior at a public high school in florida. </p>


<p>gpa-3.5577 u/w
4.5964 w</p>

<p>rank- about 8-9% 460+overall students</p>

<p>sat- cr-690
w-640 essay-11</p>


<p>sat2- biom-760</p>

<p>ap- bio-5
us hist-5</p>

<p>schedule: freshman year a's and b's, not really motivated, most honors
soph- same but a in apbio(turning point)
jun- all a's 2 aps, rest honors
sen- taking 3 ap's(physics b, calcBC, and stat), rest honors</p>

<p>EC's- varsity soccer 9-10</p>

<p>varsity baseball 9-12</p>

<p>national Honor Society 11-12</p>

<p>150 hours community service @ summer baseball
camp for kids(counselor)</p>

<p>attended the 3 week Honors Summer Institute at Florida
Atlantic University, recieved an A in the 3000 level course
Genetics Disease and the Environment,(3 Credits)</p>

<p>recreational volleyball, soccer and fishing, and an
avid magician</p>

<p>other: </p>

<p>i am concerned about my freshman and sophmore grades
and my uw gpa being low.
interested in biological research and am very commited/motivated
will be retaking sat/ taking act and other sat2's
essays should be above average, same with recs</p>

<p>You're in.</p>

<p>Your improvement in grades is more important than the gpa- unweighted grades are all UW looks at, btw. Being a minority should be to your advantage. Apply early on- Sept 15th is coming. Good luck.</p>

<p>URM doesn't matter, AA was banned there a long time ago. Still, he's a match.</p>

<p>No, you are thinking of UM. UW still has a strong AA program. You should apply for Chancellor's scholie program too.</p>

<p>how come all of the articles on michigan deemed it "the last major university to abolish affirmative action" then? < i saw that in a newsweek article a little while ago.</p>

<p>Because reporters are often stupid.<br>
The UW has a very strong AA program but they cannot advertise it exactly. See diversity below</p>

<p><a href="http://www.provost.wisc.edu/honors/scholarship.html#2%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.provost.wisc.edu/honors/scholarship.html#2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>From the admissions profile</p>

<p>Nonacademic Qualifications: In addition to academic achievement,
we look for students who demonstrate qualities such as leadership and
concern for others and the community; achievement in the arts, athletics,
and other areas; diversity in personal background and experience;
and a family legacy of success at UW–Madison.</p>

<p>This article from an anti-AA faculty member discusses the AA at UW.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/%7Ewhansen/?p=12%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~whansen/?p=12&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>sorry wis75, but what is the importance of september 15?</p>

<p>^ That's the date on which Madison will start accepting applications. wis75 meant to hurry and put yourself ahead of the herd.</p>

<p>dude, ur in</p>

<p>how the heck does your gpa go up THAT much from from honors courses?? haha that's insane.</p>