Out Of State Resources

Hey Y’all!

My name is Maddison and I’m a current sophomore here at UA (Phew - it’s been years since I’ve been on this site!) and I hope I can offer a future students and parents some resources that you may not know about that exist here.

On Facebook:
I encourage all of you to join the UA Groups page on Facebook - it is exclusively for students with a @crimson email address and has many useful groups including UA Rideshare, a page to find rides to and from the airport and to and from states. I have used this numerous times to find people to ride back to my hometown with me - we split gas and I have some company. There are also groups for specific classes, such as UA Class of 2018 and 2019, where students typically find roommates or post about events on campus.

We have a phenomenal out-of-state organization on campus called The 49. I’m the Vice President of this organization and we’re currently over 1,000 students strong. Our current president started the organization when he was a freshman four years ago when he noticed that the out of state population on campus was growing significantly every year, and wanted there to be a place where alike students could meet. Every year during move-in week we host a Kick-Off in the stadium where students meet others from their areas, get food, t-shirts, and make friends for a lifetime. We also host events all through the year.

The Source:
At the beginning of the school year, we have a “Magnificent Mile” type of event called Get On Board Day. Over 400+ student organizations and vendors are at this event where students can find out more information about student groups and really find the niche they want to be in.

If you have any questions about anything - campus life, making the move, staying on top of academics, etc. Please let me know! I’m very involved (The 49, Graduate School, Honors College, Crimson White, Sorority, SGA, Center For Volunteering), and if I can’t answer your question specifically, I can definitely direct you to someone who can.

Thanks for the helpful info, @Futuremd616‌ !