Outdoor Action

<p>Does anyone know about when we can expect to hear if we are “enrolled” in the outdoor action “class” ?</p>

<p>Did you send in your paperwork?</p>

<p>you might want to contact the Honors College.</p>

<p>Glad to hear you signed up for OA - you will love it! As I recall, D didn’t get any official notification until around May for last year’s group, but if you’ve already sent your check and registration you should be able to contact the OA director -
Dr. Fran Oneal
275 Nott Hall
<a href=“mailto:foneal@ua.edu”>foneal@ua.edu</a>
She’s super nice and should be able to confirm if she’s received your paperwork.
Have fun!</p>

<p>I just mailed in the paperwork a few days ago, so I wasn’t expecting anything so soon, I was just wondering if there was any specific time I should be on the look out for some type of notification–thanks! I suppose I’ll contact dr. Oneal in a month or so?</p>

<p>I would check in sooner than that to see if they have your paperwork. Last year my son’s paperwork went missing but luckily he had been in communication with Dr. Oneal, so he did not lose his spot.</p>

<p>They have a limited enrollment, so sent your info and money early.</p>

<p>Any idea how early the spots fill up? Might they already be full?</p>

<p>Outdoor Action is not full. A good amount of people have sent their applications in, but there is still plenty of space AFAIK.</p>

<p>Thanks SEA tide - Just one more thing to talk with my D about! She mentioned it on the way home from the airport yesterday but will need to determine how interested she is and get an app sent in if it’s something that really interests her (I think she’d love it!)</p>

<p>Don’t forget that in addition to Outdoor Action there is also Alabama Action. The 2011 info doesn’t seem to be up yet, but last year’s page is at: [Honors</a> College - Alabama Action](<a href=“http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=alabama-action]Honors”>http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=alabama-action)</p>

<p>My DS loved Outdoor Action so much that he has applied to be an “instructor” for the fall class. Not sure if instructor is the correct title…not a paid position but if accepted he will be helping with the class. He’s got his fingers crossed!!</p>

<p>The program only takes forty students.</p>

<p>OA is a GREAT way to meet a group of people before school even starts. You’ll also get to know the area and the local flora and fauna. It WILL be very hot, but if you enjoy outdoor activities I highly recommend Outdoor Action. </p>

<p>You’ll find photos from last year on facebook - look for Outdoor action 2010. Check out the slideshow & video, as well - links in the wall postings</p>

<p>I don’t know if this was a rumor or not…but I heard that one or both of the programs would be accepting more students this year because of the popularity…and probably because it’s so good for OOS students especially.</p>

<p>Last week DS received an email saying that his application was “being processed”… but it also said “we are so excited to have you in the program”, and invited him into a facebook group for this year. DS assumed that meant he’d made it in - nice for him, because we live in New Mexico, and OA would give him a chance to meet some other students and get acclimated before classes started. </p>

<p>Hope you hear soon, as well.</p>

<p>I think that those who are applying now have a very good chance of getting in.</p>

<p>Nmxcloud, how long did it take him to receive that email after y’all mailed everything? And thanks for the info guys! I’m pretty excited about the program.</p>

<p>I believe that he mailed his app off about ten days after we got back from Capstone - when he decided that even if he didn’t make CBHP he was Bama bound! - so he heard back a little over three weeks after applying.</p>

<p>Good luck - hope DS ‘sees’ you in the facebook group soon!</p>

<p>This is from the current page of Honors College:</p>

<p>Outdoor Action</p>

<p>Outdoor Action is a week-long service learning course for incoming Honors freshmen. Forty freshmen and eight upperclassmen participate in outdoor activities from canoeing to river seining, then work together on a day-and-a-half service project. We’re learning about our local environment and environmental issues, and then tying them to the bigger picture at the global level.</p>

<p>Our dates for 2011: Sunday August 14 through Friday August 19</p>

<p>Outdoor Action is a great way to meet others interested in environmental issues and those who love the outdoors. We will spend a week outside, in Alabama, in August, so come prepared!This program definitely has that summer camp feel!</p>

<p>This year’s page still states FORTY freshman, so I would not want anyone to be disappointed. Please apply now if you want a spot.</p>

<p>Go to this link and click on download application:
<a href=“http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=uhp-outdoor-action[/url]”>http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=uhp-outdoor-action&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;