Overall UC decision results for Fall 2023 Freshmen

If you or your student applied to multiple UC’s how did the results pan out? Helpful to include the major applied to at each school.

Please post once all decisions are out since UCSB and UCB are still coming.


@LadyMorgan do you want to make a template for people to fill out?

My suggestion for things to include would be.

Where were you accepted? What major?
Where were you waitlisted? What major?
Where were you turned away? What major?

UC GPAs - GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub

Number of A-G

Number of AP/IB/DE

What county are you from?

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Yes! Great! This looks amazing…thank you.

Also, I guess people who aren’t waiting on UCSB or UCB can post?

Our UC application/admission adventure has reached the end. If yours has not, please wait to post until you have all your results.


Accepted: UCSC, UCD, UCSB for Art History (all)

Waitlisted: UCI, UCLA

Denied: UCSD

UC GPA: Unknown as we homeschooled

Number of A-G: Zero?

AP: Comp Sci, Physics, Calc A/B, US History; All 5’s

IB: None

DE: Anthropology, Photography, Film, Sculpture, Meteorology; 4.0 GPA

Honors: National Merit Commended, AP Scholar, local library Volunteer of the Year, library teen program Secretary and President (different terms)

ECs: Piano (some honors), dance, runs a small business, professional model (which is itself like running a second small business), lots of volunteer activity at the library and others

County: Santa Clara


Thank you for starting this thread. We will post once we hear from UCB. This would be valuable for the next class so they don’t have to go through 9 threads for data.


UC acceptances = 0

UC GPA - 4.0 uw and 4.4w
Took most demanding classes AP/honors.

Meaningful EC, volunteering and work.

My kid’s HS has a rigorous academic load, highly competitive and demanding. The HS is well known at a national level.

Rejected or waitlisted to top and middle tier UCs.

Did not apply to UCR/UCM because did not appeal to my kid at all and wouldn’t enroll if accepted.

Major - No CS. Applied to similar but different major to each UC’s.
(I’ll come back with detail about which major for which UC. My mind is in a fog with this disappointment. Too many things to think about at the same time.)

It’s heartbreaking to see how deflated and sad my kid feels.
Of course, my student will do well in whatever college.
But it doesn’t take away the feelings of disappointment/sadness of working so hard to be rejected /waitlisted in this way.

I know my kid has a bright future but still this is very painful.
Is it my kid or the UC system? we’re puzzled.

My kid has a 3.85 GPA 4.2 weighted gpa. 7 AP classes and three honors classes. All A’s apart from two Bs in AP Psychology and AP bio.

Very competitive High School so rank was in top 20% of school but easily within the top 9% of the state.

Very good extracurriculars but only average leadership.

Major was bio

Accepted: merced, riverside, Santa Cruz
Wait-listed; Davis
Rejected: Santa Barbara ucla, Berkeley, irvine, San Diego

I think she did slightly below average. If she had it been accepted into Davis then I would say she performed as expected

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Wow that must really suck. Sorry to hear that. Can you just elaborate whether she is in state or out of state? And also what was her class rank and was she top 9% in her class. Just trying to learn for the next kid

Trying to keep this thread more about results than discussion. You can PM @Owl1 for more details and if they are unable to edit their post, I will gladly edit it for them to add more detail.

Thank you.

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DD’s UC results, in state
UW GPA 3.9/ W GPA 4.3
11 AP Classes, 1 honors
25+ a-g classes
Top 9% ELC
Good ECs and PIQs

Accepted: UCSC (Legal Studies), UCSB (Financial Math & Stats), UCD (Animal Science & Management)
Waitlisted: UCLA (Financial Actuarial Math), UCSD (Math & Econ)
Rejected: UCB (Legal Studies), UCI (Math)

First choice (“dream school”) was UCLA. Also was admitted to two CSUs and several OOS (WUE mostly). Will tour UCSB, UCD, and Cal Poly SLO next week and will likely choose from one of those three.


Son’s results:

Major: Applied Physics

Accepted: UCB, UCD, UCSC
Waitlisted: UCSD, UCI
Rejected: UCLA, UCSB

GPA: 3.75uw 4.64fw (not sure of UC GPA)
ELC: yes, statewide top 9% too (grade deflating private school)
7 APs, 64 units DE (AA degree)
4 year varsity athlete
Extensive research experience with contribution to published work

Honestly results are better than expected and I think it was the PIQs and activities and awards section that put him over. He told a cohesive story expressing a passion for science. His PIQs were authentic and really showed who he is, a science geek. He used every word available in the PIQs and activities section to show who he is and what he’s passionate about.


S23’s UC / CSU results:
GPA 3.97 UW, 4.24 UC capped, 4.38 UC uncapped, 9 APs

Applied for materials science / materials engineering at the schools which offered this major. (ChemE at UCSB, NanoE at UCSD.)

He didn’t have any of the typical STEM ECs, since he didn’t decide to study engineering until fall of senior year. I think he must have written effective PIQs to have such good results with the UCs.

Accepted and received first choice major: UCSD, UCSB, UCD, UCI, UCSC, Cal Poly SLO
Waitlisted, opted in: UCB (he would have liked to attend)
Waitlisted, did not opt in: UCLA (not a top choice for him)

Many other acceptances OOS w/merit, COA for most of these ends up being about the same as a UC or CSU. We’ll see what he chooses!


UC Results:

UW: 3.86
W: 4.27

Denied: UCB, UCLA, UCI (Math majors & CS)
Waitlisted: UCSC (CS)
Accepted: UCSD (ICAM)

5 or 6 APs (1 Senior yr)
1 Honors (Senior yr)
6 years of math total (7th & 8th grades, incl. Senior year)
28+ A-G classes
Weak ECs overall/PT job
ELC 9%: yes at state-level
Large public HS/Not 1st gen
Good to average PIQ Essays

Takeaways: Don’t get a C in 10th /11th in an AP class; have at least one consistent EC to highlight.
Great options on the CSU front, as yet very undecided, choosing between campus culture vs majors.


I suspect the extraordinary popularity/admit difficulty of the Computer Science major is a bigger “takeway” than the single C in an AP class. . .even those with perfect uw 4.0 GPAs were waitlisted and rejected from UC right and left! Good luck to him/her on the decision. Yes lots of good CSUs out there (I’ve had kids at both Cal Poly SLO and Chico State).

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UC Results:

GPA: 4.0 unweighted/4.33 weighted capped/4.6 weighted uncapped
Number of a-g courses taken 9-12th: 24
Number of UC approved Honors/AP: 6 honors, 5 AP (high school capped at 3 APs/year)
In-state, ELC
EC’s: Multiple (varsity sports, volunteer, internship, leadership roles, part-time job)
Strong PIQs

Accepted to: UCSD (biology), UCD (biology)
Waitlisted: UCLA, UCSB, UCSC
Denied: UCB

Planning to attend UCSD. D23 is very happy with the outcome, although it was a challenging and stressful process.


Let me know what he chooses finally


UW GPA 3.92, Some Good ECs with leadership positions, lots of volunteering, 12 APs . OOS, applied to 4 UCs for CS
UCI, UCD :- Accepted. UCI offered Directors scholarship.
UCLA :- Waitlisted
UCB :- Rejected

Accepted: Berkeley, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD and UC Davis
Waitlisted: N/A
Rejected: N/A
Major: Statistics
UC UW 4.0, uncapped weighted 4.8

Very grateful to be 5/5 with the UC’s. Happy to help any juniors/answer questions if anyone has any. My biggest tip would be to take DE classes wherever possible - they really help boost the GPA, which all the UCs seem to care heavily about.