Overall UC decision results for Fall 2023 Freshmen

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: UC Application Discussion Fall 2023 and new extended Submission period

DD got off the waitlist at UCSB and will be attending. Tough choice between UCSD and UCSB, but she prefers to be away from home.


I wanted to update some UC results which changed as of today:

DD’s UC results, in state
UW GPA 3.9/ W GPA 4.3
11 AP Classes, 1 honors
25+ a-g classes
Top 9% ELC
Good ECs and PIQs

Accepted: UCSC (Legal Studies), UCSB (Financial Math & Stats), UCD (Animal Science & Management)
Waitlisted: UCLA (Financial Actuarial Math), UCSD (Math & Econ), admitted off UCSD waitlist 7-3-23, will decline offer
Rejected: UCB (Legal Studies), UCI (Math)
Committed to: UCSB, still waiting for UCLA waitlist results


Preliminary results for University of California freshman applications, admits, and admit rate by campus were posted today. If the usual timing holds, the UC Office of the President and the individual campuses will publish their press releases on the Fall 2023 entering class sometime around mid-August, coordinated on the same day.

Note: click on the campus name in the “Campuses & majors” section to see the Fall 2023 prelim data. If you click on the specific link that says “Freshman Admit Data” beneath each campus name, in some cases it still links to last year’s Fall 2022 data.

Most importantly, congrats to all the incoming students who got admitted this year in what was another competitive year for UC freshman admissions.

Institution Applications Admits Admit rate
UC-Berkeley 125,910 14,558 11.56%
UC-Davis 94,635 39,601 41.85%
UC-Irvine 121,095 25,023 20.66%
UC-Los Angeles 145,813 12,778 8.76%
UC-Merced 27,184 24,016 88.35%
UC-Riverside 56,935 39,953 70.17%
UC-San Diego 130,841 32,314 24.70%
UC-Santa Barbara 110,875 30,914 27.88%
UC-Santa Cruz 68,821 43,154 62.70%

Source: Freshman admit data | UC Admissions


Note that the admitted student figures reported for UC-Irvine on the UC website appear incorrect.

The link below (published by UC-Irvine!) shows that UCI admitted 31,180 students this year. I’ve updated the table to reflect UCI’s preliminary reported numbers.

Institution Applications Admits Admit rate
UC-Berkeley 125,910 14,558 11.56%
UC-Davis 94,635 39,601 41.85%
UC-Irvine 121,095 31,180 25.75%
UC-Los Angeles 145,813 12,778 8.76%
UC-Merced 27,184 24,016 88.35%
UC-Riverside 56,935 39,953 70.17%
UC-San Diego 130,841 32,314 24.70%
UC-Santa Barbara 110,875 30,914 27.88%
UC-Santa Cruz 68,821 43,154 62.70%

Corrected UCI data source: Admitted Student Profile | Office of Undergraduate Admissions | UCI

The numbers listed on the table posted are different than the numbers listed on the UC link provided for several UC’s ie. UCD as one example.

Applicants: 94,759
Admits: 35,563
Admit rate: 37.5%

The applicant numbers from the UCOP website are listed as 94,609 for UCD.

UCOP website has not updated the 2023 Admissions as of yet.

@Gumbymom The preliminary application counts that you linked were dated 01/11/2023 versus the final application counts. For example, the final count for UC Davis was 94,635 applications received, which was +26 applications more than what was published in the preliminary UCOP Applications data.

The UCOP Admit Data summary has not been updated with the 2023 admits yet, and I suspect it won’t be updated until the mid-Aug coordinated release of all data by UCOP and each of the campuses. However, the preliminary admit rate data in the table above is very accurate, as it reflects admitted student counts thru the end of June, and the waitlist activity in July was not all that active.

If people want to see the preliminary admit counts and acceptance rates, go to the link below, and then under the section on the right-hand side of the page under “Campuses & majors” and click on the school name.


Yes, I understand that the link I posted was dated in January 2023 and was preliminary but the Freshman numbers you have posted do not coincide with the numbers posted on the link summary page for UCD vs. more freshman stats.

For UCLA shows this on the See more Freshman data vs. what you posted some of the summary page. The difference is negligible regarding the admit rate for UCLA.

Overall admit rate:
8.6 %

So the numbers are different on the summary page on that link. It would be helpful with know which numbers are correct. For UC Davis, it does make a difference in the admit rate from 41.8% to 37.5%.

I had the same confusion, and I think what’s happening is that the data takes awhile to propagate across the various links on the UC website.

What I’ve found is that the tables where the Freshman admit stats are listed side by side with the Transfer admit stats (the blue box and the yellow box are side-by-side), those data are reflective of the preliminary Fall 2023 update. But if you try to drill down into the “See more freshman stats” link, it will link in many cases to the Fall 2022 data (such as you noted for UCLA).

I think it’s just a bit buggy right now, similar to how the UC website had the incorrect admitted student count for UCI but had the correct admit rate %. Probably will get all fixed as the data propagates and/or someone in the UCOP notices that the underlying data don’t always corroborate the summary data.

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I agree since I have seen the numbers change once the final numbers are posted on the UCOP website in January/February. Still some consistency on the UC application website would be preferable.

The UC Davis 37% could still reflect the admissions figures for class of 22.

The admit rate listed for UCD is the same but the numbers from 2022 are slightly different then those posted for 2023. It does say specifically 2023 admits on the website. Only UCR has officially closed their waitlist so far so I am sure the numbers are preliminary. I will wait for the UCOP website update.

I am a numbers person so I like to see consistency. As noted, the UCI numbers are wrong and were updated directly from their website.


Looks like someone in the UC Office of the President may have made a boo-boo this week, as the preliminary admissions figures by campus for the freshman class entering in Fall 2023 were removed from the UC Application website today. I’m somewhat curious to see how the following preliminary figures compare to whatever UC publishes in its official press release in the weeks to come:

Institution Fall 2023
Fall 2023
Admits (Prelim.)
Fall 2023
Admit rate (Prelim.)
UC-Berkeley 125,910 14,558 11.56%
UC-Davis 94,635 39,601 41.85%
UC-Irvine 121,095 31,180 25.75%
UC-Los Angeles 145,813 12,778 8.76%
UC-Merced 27,184 24,016 88.35%
UC-Riverside 56,935 39,953 70.17%
UC-San Diego 130,841 32,314 24.70%
UC-Santa Barbara 110,875 30,914 27.88%
UC-Santa Cruz 68,821 43,154 62.70%
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