Pamplin College of Business

<p>First, I have to admit I ask a lot of questions and I really appreciate all of the answers I have rcvd. This is a great forum!</p>

<p>We will be visiting VT in April and our plan is to do the info session and tour and also a one hour Pamplin session.</p>

<p>My son is looking at sports mgmt at schools that offer it and at business - maybe marketing at other schools. I have read a bit on the Pamplin website and I have a question about the difficulty of the program.</p>

<p>First - we are OOS and he has a 30 ACT and a 3.5 gpa, 3.95 weighted. Our hs Naviance shows him pretty much getting in - but I'm not sure how accurate that is. What do you think? What about for Pamplin specifically - is that harder?</p>

<p>I am a little concerned about his being a business major - particularly at a larger university. He does ok in math - but generally earns a B. He is taking precalc this year and will take honors Calculus next year. Does that sound like he would be prepared? Or do most Pamplin students take AP Calc in hs?</p>

<p>Any additional comments about Pamplin also welcome. And thank you all again for assisting a nervous mother.</p>

<p>Hi,rockvillemom, He looks in good shape for admission although of course there is never an absolute guarantee on that. The weighted GPA seems very much on target as long as he keeps those grades up . Son was offered to apply for Honors after his first semester at Virginia Tech with a 1360 SAT from high school which I believe converts to a 31 ACT. You may want to look at the Honors info on Virginia Tech’s website to see if it looks like he may be eligible for that if you have any interest in Honors type programs. Good luck!</p>

<p>I think honors status at VT is a 30 composite on the ACT.</p>

<p>[Admissions</a> to Honors | University Honors | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Admissions”></p>

<p>As long as he keeps above a 3.7 GPA, he should be able to get into VT’s honors program.</p>

<p>Thank you for the info on the Honors program. What about Pamplin? Is that a harder admit? Is it known as a very difficult program or one that is reasonably manageable?</p>

<p>rockvillemon,Son is in engineering so I’m not really familiar with Pamplin. Hopefully,someone familiar with that program will be able to answer your questions about Pamplin. Also,try the search feature for Pamplin on CC-you will see some previous discussions/posts related to Pamplin.</p>

<p>Thanks for the idea - I just did that and came up with one interesting post with admissions statistics - which looked good. Still looking for more anecdotal info from someone who is in Pamplin or a parent of a Pamplin student with more feedback about the overall program and required courses.</p>

<p>My daughter is a junior at VT in the Pamplin school. We also live in Montgomery county, MD. (edited to add MD, since VT is located in Montgomery County, VA) She loves VT and is a Pamplin ambassador - Pamplin offers potential business students with tailored tours/info sessions. I highly recommend going to the Pamplin info session the kids really know the school and can answer all your questions. I think they are even willing to take prospective students to sit in on a class with them. Be sure to eat in the dining halls - West End is the best and unbelievable in the variety and quality. Tech is regularly rated as having some of the best food in the country. Sports at VT are incredible - football is king, but basketball, baseball and womens sports get good followings as well. Nothing like a Hokie home football game with all of the stadium traditions and fun. Students and grads take great pride in being part of the Hokie nation and it offers great networking possibilities especially in the stat of Virginia but also in the neighboring states and across the country. My daughter and the majority of her Pamplin friends have paid internships this summer, so the network starts early. reply of PM me if I can provide additional details.</p>

<p>Fabulous - thanks so much. I may get back in touch with you after we visit to share impressions. My son is very excited about visiting Virginia Tech and I have to admit it is growing on me. We will definitely attend the Pamplin session the day we are there and eat on campus. Thanks again!</p>

<p>Take note of how they have laid out the campus to make a very large school seem much smaller. The campus has a terrific feel to it. Also, for fun while touring - keep your eyes out for gargoyles on the older buildings. For example the agriculture building has cow gargoyles. Getting there and back has become much easier as there a couple of bus options now incuding Homeride Va which drops off at the Vienna metro station, but is a bit pricey and Megabus which is very cheap (some one-way fares for $1) and drops off in downtown DC but picks up in Christiansburg requiring local bus transportation on the VT side. On the potential downside, be aware that housing is only guaranteed freshman year and most sophomores and above live off-campus or in the Oak Lane greek community.</p>

<p>Good points - thank you. We visited James Madison last year and I was kind of taken aback by the campus - so many different architectural styles - bisected by Rt 81 - the train tracks running through it, etc. At least from pictures - Virginia Tech looks much nicer. I personally favor smaller schools - Elon is my favorite at the moment - where my son will have smaller class sizes and more on campus housing options - but he seems very interested in VT and I am trying to keep an open mind. We will be seeing Elon again as well as College of Charleston and VT in the next 3 weeks - so should give us some better ideas of what he wants.</p>

<p>I will say this forum is the best of the three!</p>

<p>Back from our VT visit - which we enjoyed very much. We were very impressed by the Pamplin bldg and the info session. My son liked the option to apply as business undecided. Overall a positive visit and he will be applying in the fall. Thanks for your help.</p>