Paradise is burning

Same here. Hope his GF shames him into coming through if he backpedals. His ex wife would have.


Wow. True heroes, saving the rarest of birds. There is an embedded video showing their bravery.


The fires are not retreating….

There have been over 2700 structures burned by the fires.

Of those, 86% were residential.

The residents are in dire need of propane because many have set up pop up tents and are cooking their own foods, so those donations to local organizations will help. Maui Food Bank: Donate - Maui Food Bank

Lots of kids are displaced, and the families are trying to find a way to get back to a “normalcy” for their scared kids by looking for lodging from non-resident owners who have Air BnB rentals. They want the kids back in school with their friends.

Please “kokua”/help if you have a property on Maui, offer to rent for a reasonable rate. Contact your agent on Maui. Communication can be bad right now, since cell phones require charging, and a lot of people don’t have power, but keep trying.

There were no warnings because they suspect that the 80 mph winds whipped up the electric lines that sparked and fueled the fires immediately. We’ve been through that in San Diego County in 2007. The fires jump and destroy everything.

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Authorities also suggest texting instead of phone calls are preferable when possible, as it uses less of the very limited capacity available for cell devices.


I donated to two of the local charities. I’m hoping the $s can make it more quickly to people who need things that way.
Turns out my son’s employer matches for one of them, so I asked him to do my donation.


The Maui Food Bank, the Hawaii Community Foundation Maui Strong Fund (, and Maui branch of the Red Cross have good reputations for getting resources out and being responsible stewards.

I’d be very cautious about the gofundme and other things that spring up. I would trust respected orgs with a track record. The Maui Humane Society can also use funding.


My daughter was able to move everything to Kona


Donated to Food Bank and Humane yesterday. Looking at the news today, will have to do more. :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:


Yes, just completed Qualified Charitable Deduction form so H’s RMD out of his 2023 Schwab IRA RMD will all go to Hawaii Community Foundation’s Maui Strong Fund.

I have received funding from Hawaii Community Foundation as well as scholarships and am impressed with their longevity and how they are accountable stewards of the funds they administer.


I split donations between the Maui Food Bank and World Central Kitchen. Thinking that bigger issues will be handled by government, but right now, food and basic needs are paramount. WCK is my go to usually. Both four star on Charity Navigator.


Thanks for that list. I gave to Red Cross re: Hawaii wildfires a couple of hours ago. Have given to World Central Kitchen another time. Good to see their ratings.

Best to Hawaii and Hawaiians in this devastating time.


There was a recent live press conference on Maui. 3 of HI’s 4 congresspersons spoke, as did the gov, mayor, head of military, fire & police chiefs. They took Qs from the press. One thing that was emphasized is that everyone is pulling together and being very neighborly and sharing. There is no looting and no taking advantage of this tough situation. It was also emphasized that rebuilding will take many years.

In rebuilding, the island can consider how it wants to rebuild and perhaps make it better than ever, while keeping charm and making the structures more resilient to fire and heavy winds.

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I really hope the town will be rebuilt as close to its original character as possible. I’d hate to see big developers do a quick land grab and build a bunch of characterless monstrosities.

(Was not a fan of Chinese Atlantis happening on Oahu so fingers crossed it ain’t happening.)


More donations for Maui teachers are listed by the HSTA: Donate to teachers affected by Maui wildfires - Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association


One of our most memorable vacations in Maui included a snorkeling trip on a Pacific Whale Foundation boat. :heart:


On our very first Maui visit (2002??) we took a tour with that group. Love it.

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Please do research before donating. There are a lot of scam organizations.


This - 100%


Was this meant as a response to me? I donated to the Maui Humane Society and the Maui Food Bank, using the links provided by someone above.