<p>Florida Resident, attend private school, will be applying WAY before the November 1 deadline, most likely around september or august. My school is not overrepresented so that wont play a factor. </p>
<p>9th Grade-
English 9- A
Algebra 1- A
Spanish IV-S- B+
Physical Fitness- A
Personal Fitness- A
Earth and Space Science- A
World History- A
Peer Ministry- B+</p>
<p>10th Grade-
AP English Language- B+
Geometry- B+
Spanish V-S B+
Life Management Skills?- A+
Honors Biology- C+
US History- A
Peer Ministry- B+
French I- A</p>
<p>11th Grade-
Honors British Literature - b+
AP Art History- A
Algebra II & Trig- A
French II- b+
Honors Chemistry- B
Economics- A
AP US government- B+
Peer Ministry- B</p>
<p>12th Grade schedule-
AP Human Geography
Honors Latin American history
Honors Philosophy
Honors World Literature
French 3
Peer Ministry
Math Analysis</p>
<p>9th- No honors
10th- 1 AP 1 Honors
11th- 2 APs 2 Honors</p>
<p>10th Grade- AP US History (w/o class)- 3, AP Spanish-4 (w/o class), AP Eng Lang- 2
11th Grade- AP US Government- most likely a 4 or 5, at least a 3 for sure, AP Art History- 95% 3-4
12th Grade- AP psych w/o class, AP human geography with class</p>
<p>Comm Service:</p>
<p>Habitat for Humanity- Beautifying a poor community by painting the columns supporting the overpass</p>
<p>80 Hours volunteering for school hosted basketball camp during the summer</p>
<p>Teen Trendsetters- Tutoring elementary students at Banyan Elementary in preparation for the F.C.A.T.</p>
<p>16 Hours working for local Thrift Shop</p>
<p>Renovation of Franciscan retreat house Monte Alverna</p>
<p>ING Miami Marathon (2006)- Assisted with post-race water station</p>
<p>Boxing goods for tsunami victims (December 2005)</p>
<p>M.S. Walkathon at St. Brendan High School</p>
<p>Fed the homeless with the Mother Theresa Sisters of Charity</p>
<p>Missionaries of Charity Thanksgiving Turkey Delivery to immigrants in Florida City (2005 & 2006)</p>
<p>Regis House spending time with underprivileged students</p>
<p>Worked annual Tombola festival hosted by school (9th 11th)</p>
<p>15+ Hours National Honor Society tutoring of classmates in varied subjects</p>
<p>Total of Approximately 150 Hours of service (9th 11th)</p>
<p>Peer Ministry (9th 11th)</p>
<p>Track and Field State 2-a champions</p>
<p>11th Grade French Club Secretary
12th Grade French Club President
12th Grade Spanish Honor Society Vice President
12th Grade National Honor Society Secretary
12th Grade Mu Alpha Theta Treasurer
12th Grade Student Council Executive Board Presidential Adviser*</p>
<p>*My school also won the presidency of the Florida Association of Student Councils (F.A.S.C.)</p>
<p>And finally test scores:
ACT- 27 (30 Reading, 30 English, 26 Math, 22 Science)
SAT (in one sitting)- 770 Critical Reading, 610 Math, 600 Writing (1380/1600)
I sent the SAT to UF about 4 days ago, still up in the air about sending them the ACT. </p>
<p>I realize I'm not Ivy material but I just hope that with an on time and even early application, and without coming from an overrepresented school that I'd be close to a good bet for UF which is by far my number 1. </p>
<p>Please don't hate, I'm just another paranoid upcoming senior whose confidence has been eliminated by having heard countless admission horror stories.</p>