Parents coming to visit..where to send them?

<p>Well it's been quite a while since I posted on this site, back when I was frantically asking about recommendations, grades, chances of admission etc. much like most of the current posters on this site. Ah, nostalgia.. </p>

<p>I am in love everything about Madison! I love my dorm, the school, the city, and the friends I have made. I am so glad I decided to come here. Badger pride <3</p>

<p> question is this: my parents are coming to visit me mid-October. They are coming during the week so I will be busy with classes for at least part of their visit. What should I recommend they do? They want to go to the Historical Society, but I don't know if that will keep them entertained for that long. Also, any good restaurant recommendations (nice atmosphere, casual and reasonably priced)?</p>

<p>Weather permitting they can spend a lot of time exploring the campus- seeing the Unions, walking the Lkeshore path to Picnic Point, going through the Arboretum. They can wander State St towards the Capitol and tour it. The Chazen art center. Check the visiting campus site on the UW website for ideas about campus and Madison. Check with your housefellow about local eateries. Many places to eat on State St, it depends on which ethnic group’s foods you favor or are wiling to try.</p>