<p>i was accepted in november. i submitted my app on 09/30.
my father was laid off the first week of september, and since i had been working on my app since august, i put the job he had before he was laid off. i carelessly submitted the app with that false info.</p>
<p>however, he is unfortunately still unemployed.</p>
<p>and so. does umich need know that? or will they get that with financial aid stuff?</p>
<p>any help would be appreciated.</p>
<p>same happened to me… my family’s income went from $99,999+ to sub that between submitting my app and getting a decisions - i was accepted and the change was noted on my fin aid and i actually received an increase - my efc went from from like 10k to below 1k and i have a near full ride - - so my decision of acceptance has yet to be rescinded… but the admin office and fin aid are separate offices so they do not share that info.</p>
<p>call and update them.
and then make sure on the css profile and fafsa you make it clear.</p>