Parents of Class of 2015

<p>Are there any parents out there of in-coming freshman? My daughter is heading to L&C from Minnesota this fall. I noticed on Facebook that there is a very active student group, but nothing for parents, so I thought I'd start one here.</p>

<p>Not a parent of a 2015 student but a 2013. Feel free to PM with questions.</p>

<p>So, Erin’s Dad, did you do the Parents’ Preview or the parent class that they have online? If so, were they worth it?</p>

<p>We didn’t do the parent class since this was our second daughter in college but we did go to the Parent’s Preview. It’s somewhat typical inprocessing for the school, getting books, setting up the dorm room, etc. The school had a convocation to welcome everyone as new L&C Students and the professors formed a cordon as the students left to “bring them in”. I liked it very much and learned some tidbits about the class.</p>

<p>Not sure if I can really afford to go to the Parent’s Preview with flights so expensive, but we’ll see. Also, if my daughter does a Breakaway Adventure, I wouldn’t get to fly out with her. If she decides to play soccer, though, I might be able to justify going to see a couple of games (I think there are two that weekend after the Parent’s Preview). Decisions, decisions.</p>

<p>DD decided she didn’t really want to attend the Breakaway, though we could have afforded it. It doesn’t seem to have hampered her, but YMMV.</p>

<p>K5 - I have an incoming freshman D. We are from Wisconsin, and she is our oldest, so it’s our first time preparing for college. Do you plan to have your daughter fly to Portland in August or will you drive? We are trying to figure out how to manage the logistics.</p>

<p>Jasina - Not sure yet. It’s hard to think about all of the logistics when graduation doesn’t even happen for 2 weeks. There are several other kids from our school going to L&C, so maybe there will be a car trip… Just don’t know yet.</p>

<p>Another 2013 parent here. One nice thing about the campus is that it is located in a residential neighborhood, so it is away from the traffic and crowds of the city. One bad thing about the campus is that it is isolated, so you have to travel a bit in order to get to shopping or a place to stay. The school does run a bus service to downtown and a nearby Fred Meyer for the students, but my son told me the Fred Meyer was closing for renovations ad he didn’t know what they were going to do.</p>

<p>Driving or a rental car is definitely needed for all the trips to the stores to get those things that you forget to or can’t bring with you and to get to/from the hotel. Also, there is a list of hotels that have a Lewis & Clark rate on the school website. Most of the time, the rate is better than what you can get online.</p>

<p>Thanks akck. That’s really helpful info!</p>

<p>Our d is an incoming freshman to L&C, from Chicago area…hello to other midwestern parents:) She will be going on a breakaway adventure and we’ll be attending parent preview days. We visited in April; I stayed in a downtown hotel and d stayed in a dorm, attended classes, etc. We have flights/hotel/rental car set now and waiting on e-bill for fall semester. Has anyone received yet? D is eager to receive dorm & roommate assignments, hopefully soon.</p>

<p>If memory serves me correctly, bills go out sometime this month and are due in the first part of August. Your d can also go online to check her account and see what is due. If you are getting private loans, they don’t always show up on the bill or online, but you can subtract the net amount from your payment. You may need to call financial aid a couple of times before they certify the loans. </p>

<p>Dorm and roommate assignments should be out soon too. Many students communicate through Facebook and email. If your d is thrown into a situation she feels uncomfortable going into the room situation, communicate with housing services to voice your concerns. They will be receptive to trying to remedy the situation. My son was placed as a triple in a double room and we voiced concerns about it early. When he moved in, the room felt crowded. Because he voiced his concerns, he was at the top of the list to move to when a double opened up two weeks later.</p>

<p>Mom on the Connecticut shoreline reporting in…my daughter will be heading west this August. She will be doing a Breakaway Adventure, so she will be heading out solo. We will meet her on the 24th for the Parents Preview. </p>

<p>As for billing, my daughter received and email notifying her. </p>

<p>I was curious if there are any other New Englanders out there?</p>

<p>We heard that the rooming assignments were sent out by post on July 15th. We are a little worried that the snail mail might not make it in time before we head out on our family vacation. Fingers crossed it comes soon!</p>

<p>Thanks for your posts on the eBill…we figured out how to share access so that both our d and I will receive the tuition bill in the future. Our d is also going on a breakaway adventure to the Columbia River Gorge, and we will meet up with her at school afterwards. We’ve also not yet received the next mailing with dorm/roommate assignment,etc. Our d is anxiously awaiting, too! Since some of the dorms have XL twin beds and some don’t, I’m waiting to order bedding until dorm assignment is received. Maybe it will arrive today?</p>

<p>Thanks for the heads up about the sheets. I guess I will wait, too. Having done this once before with daughter #1(Boston University 2013), I just figured all colleges have the XL twins. I must admit, I already ordered the XL twin mattress pad. That will be a challenge to return, so I am hoping it won’t be an issue.</p>

<p>My daughter is going on the Temperate Rainforest Trip. We were in the Columbia Gorge area last summer…we tied college visits in with the family vacation to Oregon. The gorge is beautiful! Frankly, we fell in love with the whole state. I am hopeful that my daughter continues to take advantage of the College Outdoors program. They seem to offer some excellent trips which will give the students a deeper appreciation for their new home.</p>