So who is actually coming?

<p>Just wondering who has decided to attend L&C in the upcoming year.</p>

<p>I’m sending my reply form today but I’m a little confused right now. Do I just put both the housing contract and the admitted student reply form in the same orange envelope? (it’s the only enveloped included and it’s addressed to “Campus Living” @ L&C so I’m not sure if I need to send the forms in separately…) and do I need to put any stamps on it? because the acceptance letter says “postage-paid envelope is included” but I don’t see anything on the envelope that indicates that postage’s paid. I know it seems like a stupid question but I’d really appreciate if anyone could clarify this for me. Thank you! :)</p>

<p>My daughter has sent in her deposit and is very excited to attend Lewis and Clark. She’s hoping to get into one of the trips before orientation. She’s listed Platt as her first choice housing as she’s an artistic, creative type. Very happy to have the college decision made and to be moving forward!</p>

<p>Luckey, you should be able to use the same envelope. If it is postage paid there should be a pre-printed block or notice in the top right corner of the envelope.</p>

<p>I have sent my reply form and will be a 2106er of L&C.</p>

<p>Hi Erin’s Dad,
Wanted to let you know that my S is now a Pio! Thanks for your helpful comments and info back at the beginning of the process. S is very excited to start life at L&C, and I am happy to have a reason to visit Portland!</p>

<p>Super! Good luck in the future. Enjoy the Convocation.</p>

<p>Make sure your kids all like the New Student Orientation fanpage! I’m on the NSO management team and it’s a great place for rising freshman to ask returning students for advice :)</p>