Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

Yeah - and these will be need aware.

Western Carolina (if any interest) would almost get you there at full cost - it and a few other NC state schools are part of the NC Promise Program - so they might be worth looking at.

Why struggle for something if you can just find that you don’t need aid?

And you have 20 app spots - so no hurt in using them.

Tuition and fees there are about $11,000.

Looks like a likely to me.

These are the others in the NC Promise program.

Elizabeth City State University , Fayetteville State University , The University of North Carolina at Pembroke ,

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Yep, Western Carolina is on my list for her to look at. As is Ball State (they gave my son a decent offer but he had the test scores). North Dakota State U and U of Minnesota-TC are on her list as well (reciprocity makes them affordable).

Her “wish list” is criminology or forensics major, dance minor and/or dance team (which must be as good or better than her current team-her words not mine). Not too too rural (as in at least a quite town nearby). And a “pretty and clean” campus which isnt too big. She prefers diversity and not a commuter campus.

UMN unlikely. And not small.

Maybe look at branch campuses. Is Wisconsin in the reciprocity too ? Lots of branch campuses.

Not sure about towns or diversity but a lot of the Dakota schools are inexpensive. So not just North.

Good luck in the search.

How about University of Nebraska at Omaha?
Criminology :white_check_mark:
Dance Team (places at UDA nationals; see instagram ## omahadanceteam
) :white_check_mark:
somewhat Diverse school: (63% white; 15% hispanic; 22% other) :white_check_mark:
Omaha metro are 800K- 1 million :white_check_mark:

not sure about pricing; but something to look into perhaps (ok; i work there and am absolutely floored by the faculty. They come from all over and are so sharp!)


Sounds great. If you’re from one of these states belowlooks like full cost is $28630. If in budget for OP sounds wonderful.

Also SUNY has flagship match but not sure of your state. It’s not a lot. Illinois from Midwest. But they are reasonable otherwise but not $20k.

  • Colorado
  • Kansas
  • Illinois
  • Iowa
  • Minnesota
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • North Dakota
  • South Dakota
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

ok, yeah; that’s fair. not familiar with OOS pricing.! UNOmaha does have the midwest student exchange program as a potential option; i do think the scholarships often require the ACT/SAT. OK; i think maybe its the first time in 9 yrs on this site i’ve mentioned the school!

and i’ll add i do think south dakota schools might be an option and perhaps have some reciprocity; and know two good UDA dancers (national HS semi-finalists) on the dance team at SDSU.

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Always good learning !!! Glad you mentioned.

I’ve long known it as the school where the stud Husker Linebacker Trev Alberts is AD.

Haha. Yes, U of N-O is on the list. I do worry with her ACT score though (and yes it is required for MSEP from what I see).

No SD schools on the MSEP. NDSU because she has seen the dance team videos I guess.

She refuses to stay in WI, I have tried. But she wants out and to see something new!

I have over 30 colleges on her list to start looking at. I know some are financial reaches. Some I am pretty sure she is going to knock off the list pretty quickly. Like I have Le Moyne on the list so she would be in same town as S23 but not sure what she will think. U of St. Thomas-Minnesota is on the list but I think thats an academic reach.

So S23 wasnt easy to get his list together but his ACT score plus his major choice at least put some of the “unlikely” schools more towards “maybe” (looking at you Cuse). Plus S23 is smart-he just didnt put in effort. D25 puts in tons of effort but she at baseline is just your average B student. Her wish for higher diversity really puts a bit of a different spin as we didn’t really look at that at all for S23. Thus there is little to no overlap in school lists for the 2 of them.

Butler, slightly but definitely worth applying.
If SLU is St Louis U, I would call that a reach. I’d still apply.


4 posts were split to a new thread: Advice on What I Should Do

It is definitely feeling REAL! My daughter got her room assignment yesterday as well…. And my 2025 is an athlete, so I feel like her college search journey is already started just as her sister’s is wrapping up. She had her first zoom meeting with a coach a couple weeks ago! Here we go again… lol


I’m in the same boat. S25 is an athlete and his search is starting now too. S23 has his dorm assignment and has been to orientation. Ready to go!


Still waiting for dorm/roommate assignment. Coming out this week, I believe. Fingers crossed for 1st choice, but prepared for anything.


If she’s looking for not massive, and pretty, UMN-TC isn’t great. But UMN Duluth would be awesome. Not sure about dance, but they definitely have criminology, campus is pretty and more manageable in size, and Duluth is such a fun town with so much outdoor beauty!


Not sure if someone already posted this but both amazon and target have the keurig mini coffee maker on sale for $59. In case anyone else’s college bound child is also a caffeine fiend. :wink: :coffee:


I would say out of the 220 students in my daughter’s class, 10 applied to ivies, so yes, a very small subset. The rest of the class likely has zero wish to go to an Ivy, or really even would qualify. Most students in my daughter’s class are going to a SUNY school or community college.

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How’d APs go for everyone? My girl took four exams (APGAP, Bio, Calc BC, AP Lang) and got 5s on all. She is head to college with 36 credits! Floored she did so well, since the exams happened right during a terrible breakup with a boyfriend of a year :frowning:


Bravo to your daughter! Overall, S23 is pleased with his results. He also took four exams: Macroeconomics, Lit and Composition, Physics C: E&M, and Physics C: Mechanics. 5s on everything except Physics C: Mechanics where he earned a 4, which isn’t high enough for credit at his university.

Also getting real over here. Dorm assignments came out last month, advanced registration is done, and he’s had a virtual meeting/Q&A with his engineering cohort. I’m currently shopping sales for dorm essentials and trying to focus on his happiness, not my sadness.


S23 took Lit, Physics, and Calc BC. His were all dual credit classes so the curriculum isn’t tailored to the AP test and most kids don’t take the tests. He got 4s on all three and was a bit pissed off about it.

Registration is Thursday. I feel like it may be a rude awakening for him. He keeps rolling his eyes when I tell him he needs a plan A, B, C, and D. Registering for freshman classes at Berkeley is no joke. He’ll be in better shape second semester once his dual credit is tallied and he has junior standing, but first semester may be rough.

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D did great! More 5s to the stack she already had —though the “important “ ones were all completed by the end of junior yr, so other than foreign language, the 5s mattered more from prior years(5s required to be considered to skip out of calc/chem/phys and into higher levels —some also depends on associated placement tests). Might take the placeout exam for Multivariable calc too, might not—she is debating.